Art Cars

The only vehicles allowed to drive during Flipside are registered and inspected art cars (mutant vehicles), vehicles for those with disabilities, and official-use vehicles.

All vehicles used for transportation during the event belonging to participants MUST be decorated in some artistic fashion. Plain golf carts are not a form of artistic expression! Think of all the awesome things you can do with your old jalopy or golf cart! Have fun with it! for further information or inspiration, contact the DMV lead.

If you plan on bringing an Art Car, please refer to the Guidelines for registering an Art Car/Mutant Vehicle.

Vehicles that do not fall into one of these categories will not be allowed to drive around during the event—ordinary vehicles are allowed to park for a few hours to allow for unloading, and then must be moved to the parking area. Vehicles parked at theme camps for car-camping must be disguised or mutated, or risk being towed.

We’ve gotten a lot of questions this year (2024) about Mobility Vehicles and the event and wanted to clarify some things.

  • There is no “official” mobility fleet made up of participant’s carts.
  • Every vehicle that is not issued through Cartelle for department use MUST be registered and obtain a license through the Department of Mutant Vehicles (DMV) and must abide by the *same* rules and guidelines 
  • There are no special considerations in terms of parking or usage for Mobility vehicles at the event.
  • If you bring a cart that you need for personal mobility, you are encouraged to artify the vehicle, but it is not required. 
  • If you are bringing a cart to help others with mobility- thank you! Every Mutant, Art Car, Cart and mobile art piece that is not for personal mobility *must* be artified. 
  • Motorcycles and ATVs cannot be used as mobility vehicles or mobile art, and cannot be cleared through DMV. ATVs are explicitly forbidden by the land owner. 
  • If you are bringing a “vehicle” that is sometimes not human powered (ie: electric bike) you still need to abide the rules of the land. If you can take passengers, register with DMV.

Cart rentals- if you are renting a cart and are concerned about artifying it, there are many ways to make a rental fabulous without losing your deposit. If you could use some tips and tricks, a “How To” sheet will be available May 5th, 2024. Please contact for more information.

Watch this space. Mutant and art car registration dates will be announced February 2025. Go to to register your vehicle (you have to be signed in to register).

Mutant Vehicle Registration: Closed until 2025