Mid-May Announce: Almost time to head out!

Survival Guide – a MUST READ publication! Did you know you assume all risk by attending Flipside? It ain’t Dizzy-knee world, you know. Have you read your survival guide? If not, please do it now!!! You can find it here:https://www.burningflipside.com/event/survival-guide 

LOAD-IN NEEDS YOU! It’s May 18th! Do you know where your children….er…..your event infrastructures are? I do. They’re in the warehouse, waiting for you to help load them onto the trucks and into Flipside. Come on out tomorrow to help load some effigy and all that other stuff needed to make Flipside go. Many hands make for lighter loads! Being prepared: Bring sunscreen, gloves, water, snacks, and a good attitude. Load in begins at 10 am at the warehouse and 12:00 on site out at Apache Pass-tures.

Packing up for the event? Pack a radio! (and bring a spare!) A message from camp: K-FLiP, The Voice of Pyropolis asks that you bring a working FM Radio to FS!  Jambox or counter top, plug in or battery-powered, all are needed. Please bring suitable batteries. That way, folks in far off locations (Hello Parking!) can enjoy the great shows planned for this year. Radios can be dropped off anytime at the K-FLiP studios. And keep it locked to 100.5FM campers! ~Thank J. Radio

VOLUNTEERING –a great way to participate!

GATE I.T. Our gate staff is friendly and efficient at getting us through the fate and into the event. We LOVE our gate staff! What they are not is IT techs, and sometimes the machines go blip up there. Available to help fix the techy stuff?  You just need a solid understanding of PCs and basic networking, and to be at gate for opening each day you volunteer. There’s an easy how-to doc tshowing what needs to happen. Please contact communications-af@burningflipside.org.

SHAVEN APES Can you he’p ‘em? Shaven Apes help folx who need it, specifically the sort of thing like moving a thing, getting a thing upright that’s not, basic physical labor and support.  Most of that help is needed Thursday and Monday.

MEDICAL Do you have medical training? Do you like a nice shady spot to be during the day? Volunteer for PETS (Pyropolis Emergency Team) for a shift or two! Want to help, but not medically trained? I hear they have concierge spots, too. You can help take care of the people who take care of the people.

And more! Zone Czar, Parking, Echelon, Guardians, Greeters, and Meteorology are also looking for some help. Haven’t secured a ticket? Some of these positions will open up a ticket sale. You can use the contact form: contact form to reach who you need!


Theme camps and artists have been working hard to make Flipside, well, Flipside! What are you bringing? What is everyone else bringing? Here is a little taste!

Events at the Event You can find the Official alphabetical listing here: Registered Events. Click on each event for hours. A participant has created this handy grid here!. There will also be kiosks throughout the event for us non-pre-planners and those who drop their plans the second they make it through greeters.

More about Theme Camps The map is great! But you can learn a little more about each camp,here: Registered Camps.

Ogle Some Art! Just kidding, don’t just be a looky-loo! Again, yay for maps so you know where the art starts! Here is where you can find a bit more about what you’re looking at/participating in! Regsitered Art