Survival Guide

Survival Guide
Burning Flipside 2024
Cosmic Critter Carnival

You can also view an illustrated PDF version of this Survival Guide.

Gate Hours

  • Thursday & Friday, May 23-24: 9 am – Midnight
  • Saturday, May 25: 9 am – 10 pm
  • Sunday, May 26: 9 am – 4 pm; Effigy burn: dark-thirty
  • Monday, May 27: Everyone off land before 5pm.  The property closes at 5pm!
  • No early or late admittance. Gate hours strictly enforced.

COVID Policy

The 2024 COVID-19 Policy is simply be responsible: do not come to the event sick and please find a way to leave if you get sick while there.


  • You voluntarily assume any risk of serious injury or death by attending.
  • You agree to abide by the contents in this Survival Guide. There will be a test. Seriously. For more info visit
  • You can’t enter or exit outside gate hours.
  • Leave nothing behind when you leave the site. Leave no trace.
  • Consent is required for all personal interactions including photos (even performers). Always ask.
  • You must bring enough food, water, shelter, and first aid to survive summer in rural Texas.
  • Extreme heat is to be expected and flash flood conditions are possible.
  • You may encounter venomous snakes and insects, wild animals, thorns, and poison ivy.
  • Proper footwear and personal lighting are essential.
  • There are no campsite showers, RV hookups, or cooking facilities.
  • Firearms, fireworks, rockets, and all other explosives are prohibited.
  • Catalyst Collective reserves the right to deny or revoke event access at any time for any reason.
  • Commercial use of photo/video/audio/other media depictions taken at Burning Flipside is prohibited without prior written consent of Catalyst Collective.
  • No vending. This is not a consumer event.
  • No pets. No spectators. No joke.
  • Tickets are non-refundable.




  • March 15 – Apr 18: Art, Fire, and Theme Camp registration
  • May 17: Mutant Vehicle registration


  • May 18: Load-In
  • May 23: Gate opens
  • May 27: Closing day, 5 pm
  • June 1: Load-Out of infrastructure and post-event cleanup

Site-prep work weekends

  • Work Weekend 1: February 17 – February 18
  • WW2: March 8 – March 10
  • WW3: April 19 – April 21
  • WW4: May 3 – May 5

See for church night, Combustion Chamber meetings, Art Night at Lloyd, and more.


Burning Flipside is an annual celebration wherein we, bound by a spirit of participation, mutual respect, and radical self-expression, build the temporary community of Pyropolis. Inspired by the Burning Man event, it is a place of acceptance and inclusivity.

Everything you see inside Flipside is created by you and your fellow participants through personal contributions of art, entertainment, hospitality, and volunteerism. There is no paid staff or paid entertainment. This is not a festival. There are no concession stands, vendors, or cash transactions (except ice sales). This is a sincere experiment in creating a gift economy. There is no “them” only “us.”


While default reality surrounds us with rules that assume the worst of us, at Burning Flipside we live by three principles meant to draw out the best in us.


We foster an environment of creative self-expression, where participants feel supported to honestly express their inner selves, through artistic creation, performance, and in their social interactions.


We foster an environment of personal accountability, where we hold ourselves responsible for our own actions, and take personal responsibility for meeting our own needs, for the event itself, and for the event’s impact on the world at large.


We foster an environment of cooperation, where participants work together to resolve potential conflicts respectfully, help mediate conflicts between others, and create art, performance, and social space on a larger scale than one person could alone. Additionally, participants keep Burning Flipside sustainable by volunteering, cleaning up after themselves, and assuming responsibility for conducting themselves in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.


Bring the Kitchen Sink, and Then Take It Home

You must haul out your own trash. If you bring it in, you are responsible for taking it out.

Plan ahead for how to deal with both wet and dry trash. Start with less trash: buy in bulk and remove excess packaging before you go.

For your personal camp area, make sure you take time to pick up MOOP (matter out of place).

Organic items such as banana peels, eggs shells, etc. are also considered MOOP and must be removed.

Prevent the release of excessive gray water, chemicals, gasoline, detergents or any other non-native items.

Plan to spend two hours cleaning communal areas of litter: the effigy field, roads, river banks, trails and commons. It’s not just about your camp, but all about all the spaces you enjoyed. We leave the entire event site as if we were never there.

Consider spending the weekend after Flipside to help us return the land to its pristine state and bring event infrastructure home. Sign up at for Load Out, Earth Guardians, and other LNT departments.



Matter Out Of Place. This is the common term for anything on the ground that doesn’t belong there. We don’t have garbage cans or maids. Pick it up!

Catalyst Collective

The Catalyst Collective is the legal entity comprised of volunteers who organize and host the event. Also, real nice people.


What we call our temporary city.


Khaki-clad volunteer conflict mediators and mobile info booths! Always ready to help.

Mutant Vehicles/Art Cars

Commonly known as “art cars.” The DMV (Department of Mutant Vehicles) handles registration of mutant vehicles for the event.


There are no spectators at Flipside, only participants.

So participate! One of the easiest, most direct, and arguably most fun ways to do so is to volunteer. When you look around, everyone you see is contributing through the gift of their time and expertise. Burning Flipside runs smoothly because of volunteers. Please consider helping via volunteerism!

You can get involved by browsing and signing up for volunteer positions at For questions,  contact Forgot to volunteer or want extra shifts? Shift openings and role descriptions can be found at the VAS (volunteer assistance squad) booth.

Want to be Involved Sooner?

Church Night is community building, literally. Wanna meet people, work on a project, or get some feedback? Join us every Wednesday year-round at 7 pm at the Catalyst Collective Warehouse—3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin.


With about 100 acres, there’s room for parties, performance art, group events, art cars, guerrilla theater, music, and art installations—large and small. The event is what you bring to it and make of it.

Theme Camps

Before Flipside, many people joined or organized a theme camp around common interests, art events, and opportunities to give to the community. Theme Camps are a great way to meet people, share resources, and engage with the Flipside experience. If you aren’t part of a theme camp, open camping zones are available for everyone.

Music. Dance Parties. Megaphones.

There’s always something going on and it usually makes noise. Flipside is roughly organized into areas by sound—Loud, Really Loud, and Slightly Less Loud. There is no quiet zone. Plan ahead with earplugs and other sleep aids.

Effigy Burn

The effigy is conceived of and built by the volunteers of DaFT (Design and Fabrication Team) in the months before Flipside—and on Sunday night we burn it down! We reserve the right to burn the effigy at any time or not at all depending on weather conditions and other safety concerns. We will do everything we can to let the community know.


Must be registered by April 18. What are you bringing? Where do you want to put it? What do you need to make it go? Register your installation or piece so we can point folks your way and help get resources! Details at

Burnable Art

Must be registered by April 18. Burning art is part of our culture at Flipside. If you plan on bringing art to burn contact Art Logistics at in advance for approval and coordination. This refers to art that is consumed by fire. Make sure you are familiar with all the guidelines and expectations. There will be a quiz on-site. Questions? Contact Art Logistics.

Fires Activities

If you are planning fire activities, contact the Safety Area Facilitator at If there is a burn ban no fires will be allowed at all (even in burn pits) and all fire performances will be limited to designated areas.


FAA rules require drone operators to register with airports within 5 miles. If you plan on using a drone at Flipside or have other questions, please contact Follow the photo and social media policies with any recorded media captured by drones. Operate with direct line of sight to drone at all times.

Media Depictions

Burning Flipside is a private event. For the protection of all artists and participants at Burning Flipside events, Catalyst Collective retains full and exclusive ownership and control of any and all filming and recording of any other pictures, descriptions, audio or accounts (hereinafter “Media Depictions”) of any and all Burning Flipside events. Catalyst Collective will not sell or use your work without your permission. Commercial use of all Media Depictions is prohibited without prior written permission of Catalyst Collective.

Approved, professional media will receive a camera tag indicating their approval, and have been informed of our community expectations for the media. Anyone encountering a problem with a photo/videographer should discuss it with a Ranger. Information about the media policy and permissions may be obtained at (Note: there are no comp tickets available for members of the media. You must provide supplies and shelter for your entire crew.)


Bring a quiet generator and a baffle. If you can, spring for a quietest one. Place your baffle so that those who get the benefit of having the generator deal with the repercussions. Do not set it on, next to, or over the boundary of your neighbor’s camp. Point your generators’ exhaust away from tents or other areas where people sleep.


If you want to run a low-power FM station at Flipside, you must contact the event organizers prior to the event for approval. Email


A minor is anyone under the age of 18. For the protection of minor children and in accordance with Texas law, any minor child attending this event must be accompanied at all times by someone with legal authority to make decisions for the child.

Bring proper documentation to demonstrate your authority to make decisions for the child. For the child: Print and fill out the Minor Affidavit at, and have it notarized. Alternatively, you can bring originals of official documents identifying the child, such as a birth certificate or passport. An electronic copy of your documentation will be stored along with the signed event waiver. For the parent: photo ID.

You are solely responsible for the care, supervision, and well-being of your child at all times. There may be activities not suitable for children or behavior that you may not wish your children to see. Do not expect anyone to censor their behavior because children are present. You must sign an event waiver of liability for each minor child, including a statement that you have authority to act on behalf of the child. Inability to take care of the minors you bring to the event can result in ejection of you and the minors in question. Questions? Email

Service Animals

Must be registered by May 19 via Service animals are allowed on a case-by-case basis. No emotional support animals.

Theme Camps

Must be pre-registered by April 18 at Theme camps are a central part of the Flipside experience. Fill out your form with accurate information so City Planning volunteers can place everyone.

Sound Systems

Must be pre-registered by April 15. If you are creating or using anything with lots of sound, you must be familiar with and abide by the sound policy found at You will be asked to sign a Sound Policy Agreement upon entering the event. Questions? Contact the Sound Lead at

Art pieces involving loud sound must be indicated in your art registration. Campers with sound systems must register as a theme camp. Mutant vehicles must also abide by the Sound Policy and register with the DMV. Theme camps with amplified music or loud sound must indicate that in the theme camp registration.

Mutant Vehicles and Art Cars

Must be pre-registered by May 17. If you want to cruise the grassy playa in any motorized vehicle, you must register with the Department of Mutant Vehicles and have DMV tags. All other motorized vehicles must go to parking once unloaded in the timeline specified by Greeters or be artfully disguised and stationary in your camp.

An art car is not just meant to transport you around the event, it’s also supposed to be art and provide a service to the community, including providing rides to fellow participants. Remember— an art car or mutant vehicle is a form of self expression and is a gift. The speed limit s 5MPH inside Pyropolis, and all vehicles must have gelled headlights for night driving. No mutated buses or vehicles in excess of 35’ long or 8’6” wide. No protruding bits that are wider than the track of the vehicle unless properly marked and a spotter is used for movement around the event. Anyone registering must read for guidelines.

Recreational Vehicles & Trailers

We do not issue RV passes! But we do have rules to follow and things to consider:

    • No hookups or pumping available. No in/outs, RVs must be parked and left stationary
    • If your trailer or RV is not included in your registration, you may not be able to park in your camp. You may have to relocate your beast if it is deemed an obstacle by the event organizers.
    • If your trailer or RV is coming as part of a theme camp, please include this information in your theme camp registration.
    • If registration has closed, contact the City Planning team directly.
    • There are restrictions on where RVs can be parked. If you use a generator, please review the generator etiquette guidelines.


Burning Flipside is an exercise in radical self-reliance. You must bring enough food, water and shelter to survive, and hopefully enjoy, your time at the event. Gifts are a wonderful expression of community, but you must take responsibility for your own survival and well-being. Do not show up expecting the community to take care of you. Participants arriving with inadequate supplies will not be allowed to enter the event.


    • Shelter and bedding
    • A water bottle to keep on you at all times
    • Three gallons of water per day per person (for drinking, washing, food prep, etc.)
    • Enough food and beverages for your entire party (extra if you want to share)
    • First aid kit. See for a comprehensive list
    • Bring all prescriptions, contact lens supplies, toiletries, deodorant, etc.
    • A reusable cup (some camps share drinks, but you supply the container)
    • Single-ply toilet paper—the port-a-potties can run out.
    • Garbage bags (bring extra)
    • Portable ashtrays if you smoke (mint tins work well)
    • Flashlights—headlamps are very useful.
    • Extra batteries for everything
    • Sunscreen, sunglasses, etc sun protection
    • Sturdy closed-toe footwear
    • Ice chest, ice/cash for ice sales
    • Common sense, an open mind, and a positive attitude


    • Shade structures, umbrellas, parasols, sheets for shade, etc
    • Anything to make things more fun (lights, costumes, and toys)
    • Things to share (food, crafts, toys, experiences, etc.)
    • A backpack or fanny pack (great for MOOP on the go!)
    • A cooking stove and/or cleaning station for plates and cups
    • Portable showers (there are no campsite showers)
    • Earplugs and/or sleeping mask
    • Watertight protective bags (like Ziplocs) for electronics
    • Rope, string, duct tape, zip ties
    • FM Radio—some participants set up micro-power stations for your listening
    • Insect bite treatment/medication
    • Handi-wipes and/or alcohol wipes (great for poison ivy)
    • Spray bottle for misting
    • Fuel for stoves, generators, mutant vehicles, etc
    • A MURS walkie-talkie
    • Clothing for a range of weather conditions

What to Leave at Home

    • Animals (except service animals by prior arrangement)
    • Firearms
    • Fireworks and other explosives
    • Excessive packaging (consider buying in bulk, reusable containers, consolidating before arrival)
    • Feathers (MOOPy)
    • Glitter (seriously, how are you going to clean that up?!)
    • Lasers (if you MUST bring them, read the laser section below).


Google Maps Will Steer You Wrong! Use These Directions!

Drive to Thorndale, TX, from wherever you’re coming. Take FM 486 north to San Gabriel. Make a hard right in San Gabriel (the road is still FM 486).

Travel 3.1 miles to the intersection of FM 486 and County Road 428 (a dirt road). Bear right on Country Road 428 and travel 1.3 miles to the Flipside entrance.

Drive through the property gate and present your will-call receipt and ID to the gate crew. Signal near the land is not great, so prepare for your GPS to go out.

For more specific directions, see

Logistics for Out-of-Towners

You are headed to Apache Passtures at 1184 Co Rd 428, Rockdale, TX 76567. This is north of the San Gabriel, and not the same thing as the Apache Pass Event Center. It’s at least an hour away from Austin, though taking toll roads might save you 10-30 minutes. If you roll with tolls, be aware you can’t pay with cash because bills are mailed to the license plate if your don’t have a toll account. Check your rental agreements for their toll policies!


You may only enter and exit during the gate hours! The first folks you’ll encounter are the Gate staff! Gate is not Greeters. They aren’t there to make sure you feel the Flipside Superlove. They process your ticket and make sure you’re adequately prepared and not sneaking someone in. Please wait until you arrive at Greeters to begin your Flipside experience.

The gate is staffed by a private company working with Catalyst Collective to provide impartial services for the thousands creating Pyropolis.

Follow all requests from Gate staff. Giving them attitude will not get you in any faster. You’ll receive your wristband after signing some waivers. Where appropriate please legibly print your real name, not your burner name. Please keep all ticket information updated. If you’re transferring a ticket to someone else, do it at It makes things faster.


The Greeter Station is where we step out of default reality and enter the one we create together as well as a place to ensure all participants are prepared for their time together. Arrive at a Greeter station ready for some love! The Greeters will be super excited to see you.

Greeters will quiz you on the survival guide, help you set good expectations for yourself and double-check that you have all the necessities. If you’re not fully prepared, you may be turned back to finish gathering provisions.

Your car will be marked with a drop-off deadline for parking. Once you have been properly Greeted, proceed to your identified Pyropolis Zone where you will be met by Zone Greeters. They will direct you to your flagged theme camp spot or Open Camping.

Zone Zero

If you’re bringing a theme camp, major art piece, or sound system, stop by the Zone Zero desk at Greeters to check in.

In & Out

In and out at the gate are discouraged. Really, why would you want to leave? If you must leave, check in with Gate on your way out. To get back in, you must return only during gate hours with the re-entry pass issued to you by Gate for $10 per person, your Flipside ticket, your identification, and your wristband.


Parking will be limited; carpool if you can. You will have a window of 2 hours to unpack and get your car to parking. Unloading vehicles must be 5′ off of the roads. There must be easy access for emergency vehicles at all times. You must park your car in parking—you will be towed if you leave it in camp.

If you are sleeping in your vehicle and it is parked in your theme camp you must disguise, cover or otherwise get rid of its “car-ness.” If a vehicle is not artified you must move it to parking even if you are in open camping.

RVs, trailers and other larger vehicles may be directed to reserved areas.

Vehicles parked in unauthorized or unlawful areas will be towed.


Abusive Expression

The Catalyst Collective will not tolerate expression in any form that serves to demean, intimidate, or ostracize.


Must be registered by May 19. If you require a service animal, email No pets or emotional support animals allowed. If you bring an animal, you will not be allowed into the event.


The city speed limit is 5MPH and everyone on wheels needs to drive in the correct direction on our one-way streets. Many volunteer departments use golf carts as official vehicles. You must be authorized to drive an official vehicle. Participant-created art vehicles must be registered with the Department of Mutant Vehicles. Unauthorized or unsafe use can result in liability for property damage, impounding of the vehicle, ejection from the event, and even criminal charges.


The Catalyst Collective reserves the right to deny or revoke event access at any time for any reason.

Emergency Call Boxes

Call boxes will be placed around the event site with radios that communicate directly with Safety HQ. Look for a yellow post with a red box containing a radio. If you have a MURS radio, you can set it up to communicate directly with Safety HQ as well. Configuration: MURS radio to channel 5, code 11 (154.600/CTCSS 97.4). This channel is used by our safety teams, and Burning Man’s too. More information at


No one will be allowed into the event without a ticket, signed waiver of liability, and valid ID. If you are bringing minor children, additional documents are necessary. You cannot gain admittance by volunteering. Tickets are not available for purchase at the gate. Keep your ticket handy.


Flipside officially ends on Monday, May 27, 2024. All Flipizens, their camps, MOOP and trash must be off the land by 5 pm, no exceptions. There will be Exodus teams to assist you with departure. At any time during the event, unforeseen developments (weather, emergencies) may require an Exodus.

Fires & Fire Performers

Be respectful of the land when using fire. Never throw toxic or dangerous things into any fire! Use burn barrels or premade fire pits. Do not leave a fire unattended. If using any fire or flammable materials, bring a fire extinguisher and know how to use it. Do not damage the land.

If there is a burn ban no fires will be allowed (even in burn pits), and all fire performances must be in designated areas. Check with greeters when you arrive. Fire performers must have a “safety” at all times.


Sixteen pound bags of ice will be sold for $4 each on the main field near the Effigy. Hours are subject to change.

Thursday through Sunday: noon to 6 pm

Monday: noon to 2 pm


Anything larger than a hand-held laser must be mounted 7’ above the ground and must be aimed into the tree line. Even inexpensive hand-held ones can cause permanent blindness almost instantly if used carelessly. Never shine a laser of any size into anyone’s eyes, including your own. If you bring a laser, you take personal responsibility for the safe use of that laser. If you have any questions or concerns, email Catalyst Collective at

Law Enforcement

We create a temporary city with its own rules. This city coexists within an area of real laws. Try to make that coexistence a peaceful one. Abide by all relevant local, state and federal laws. If you see law enforcement officers, be nice to them. Catalyst Collective will cooperate with all local, county, state and federal officials. We all share an interest in having a smooth event.

Pick Up Points (PUPs)

The mobility team is here to help our disabled, or otherwise mobility-challenged participants, more easily get around the pecan playa. We will have pick up points (PUPs) located near every bank of portos, with a chair and a lit, easy to spot, sign. From 10am-2am Thurs-Sun and 10am-2pm Monday we will have a dedicated cart riding around just to pick up participants from the PUPs. Other departments with carts and art cars are also encouraged to stop to pick up riders, even during off hours, if they are able to do so.


Port-a-Potties will be located throughout all populated areas at Flipside. Hand sanitizer stations are located at the larger banks of them. Don’t throw trash in the Port-a-Potties. Close the lid after every use.


No recycling is available at the event. No dumpsters either. Pack it out.

Volunteer Central

Look for the station at the central crossroads. Sign up for a volunteer shift during the event!

Personal Boundaries

Self-expression and cooperation require a social contract to make our event a place for everyone to play.

  • Please read for the full details.
  • Respect the personal boundaries and the moment. Comfort levels vary at different times and with different people.
  • Before you assume someone wants your physical attentions, ask. Being direct is not a buzz-kill obligation—it is expected protocol. No means no. Only yes means yes.
  • After someone has said no, cajoling, pleading, or any form of emotional blackmail is unacceptable.
  • Respecting personal boundaries includes taking pictures or video, as well as physical and verbal interaction.

Take responsibility for your own boundaries.

  • You must be able to say no.
  • Be sober enough to be in control, or make arrangements to have a “designated driver.”
  • How you feel is not magically telegraphed to others. You are in charge of your boundaries.
  • You can always ask for help. Talk to those around you (or a Ranger) if someone is making you uncomfortable.

Safety Markers

Any intentional removal, destruction, or alteration of the safety lighting, event signs, or caution tape is grounds for removal from the event.


Everyone is required to wear a wristband. Anyone found without a wristband may be ejected. Replacements can be acquired at Gate (you will need your ticket and ID).


Don’t cross the boundaries of the event, including fences, tape, and other posted boundaries. The property lines may be in unexpected places. If you see a sign, respect it. Trespassing on private property is illegal, dangerous, and may get you ejected.

Mutant Vehicle Etiquette

Mutant Vehicles, (or Art Cars) can be seen and ridden at the event. Don’t try to get on, impede, or stop a moving mutant vehicle. Wait until it has come to a complete stop and you have the operator’s permission before boarding or disembarking. Don’t be a jackass if it doesn’t stop for you.

Vandalism & Art Defacement

Defacing art or any other property, including the land and its trees, is not an acceptable exercise of self expression. Anyone caught defacing any artist’s work or private property without that artist’s express permission will be subject to both ejection from Flipside and any potential legal charges that the artist may wish to file, with the full support of Catalyst Collective.

Photography, Video & Audio Recording

Burning Flipside is a private event. Redistribution or public display of images, including internet-based media, requires the explicit consent of all subject parties. Many people are sensitive to photos taken or recordings made at the event. The right not to be photographed (or recorded in other ways) supersedes the right to take a photograph. Ask first before you shoot or record (even performers)!

Photography, videography, and audio recording for personal use is allowed. It may not be used professionally or for any commercial purpose without prior written approval by Catalyst Collective. You must sign a Commercial Media Agreement which states in part that the media will not be used commercially unless otherwise approved by Catalyst Collective. All dedicated video cameras must be registered at Gate or the Ranger Station.

Social Media

Posting photos to social media sites removes your control of the photos and of the ask-first arrangement made with other participants. Think twice before posting online.


Flora & Fauna

There are plenty of nasty critters all over Texas. Fire ants are mean. Put signage around ant beds so people know to avoid them, and cinnamon around your tent to keep them out of your stuff.

Mosquitoes are omnipresent.

Pecan trees on the land are beautiful, sacred, fragile, and part of a working agricultural orchard. Do not paint, mark, cut, trim, drill, spike or hang things from a tree for any reason. Doing so will be considered vandalism of private property, and we want to be invited back. Some art may be allowed to hang from trees, but only with advance approval. Contact the art lead at

Poison ivy is abundant. Find out what it looks like before you arrive. If you think you have been exposed:

    • Wash with grease-cutting dish soap and warm water.
    • Put gloves on and wipe everything with rubbing alcohol.
    • Pack Ivy-block, Zanfel, Ivy Cleanse Towelettes and/ or Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub just in case.

Scorpions like to hide under things (like tents) and in things (like shoes). If you are stung and experience unusual symptoms (shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting), contact the Pyropolis Emergency Team (PETs) immediately.

Snakes in the area are mostly not harmful, but go with the plan of mutual avoidance for safety. If you hear a rattle, stop and move slowly away from the sound. The river may contain water moccasins.


Drink water, lots of it. Dehydration is a very serious risk due to Texas summer heat. Beer dehydrates you, it is not water. Water is not sold at the event (except in the form of ice), so bring all the water you will need. Bring a minimum of 3 gallons per day. Keep an eye out for these signs of dehydration:

    • Feeling uncharacteristically cranky
    • Sudden weight loss
    • Increasing thirst and dry mouth
    • Weakness or lightheadedness (particularly if worse on standing)
    • Darkening of the urine or a decrease in urination (drink enough water to “piss clear”)

The River

The San Gabriel River runs through the land and is a great place to cool off. It is public and is not a private swimming hole. While water traffic in the area is unlikely, it is possible. Media, law enforcement, and others may be using this public waterway. Consider the water like a public road. Please respect all local, state, and Federal laws, and the sensibilities of our neighbors.

Swim at your own risk. No lifeguards on duty. Do not swim alone.

Be alert to weather conditions. Check first for signage before entering the water. If there is rain in the area, water can rise rapidly—we are downstream of a dam. In case of storms, get out of the water.

Safety Services

It’s not a bad idea to know where the Safety HQ is! Our safety teams are all volunteers, and are participants just like you. They are not police. They are not police. They are skilled professionals giving their time to help make our event run safely and smoothly, so we can all have more fun.

Pyropolis Emergency Team (PETs)

PETs provides 24-hour emergency response for Burning Flipside. Every PET volunteer is certified or a licensed medical professional who is trained to treat injuries and, if necessary, work with the Rangers to evacuate patients with serious conditions. If you need a PET, they can be contacted through a Ranger or radio-wielding volunteer, or found at Safety HQ near the main field.

Pyropolis Fire Department

These volunteers work hard on burn night—don’t make them do more than they have to! In an emergency, the fire team can be reached at Safety HQ or via radio by any radio-wielding volunteer, including any Ranger.


Rangers mosey through the event to make sure everyone is having a good time. They help mediate disputes and point people in the direction of Flipside goings-on. You should always feel comfortable reaching out to a Ranger with questions, for urgent help, or for assistance in resolving a conflict.


Flipside can be a challenging environment, not just physically but also emotionally, and sometimes people get overwhelmed. Sanctuary is there to help participants get centered and get back into the event. Oh, and sanctuary…this ain’t no raver daycare.


Apache Pass Restaurant & Icehouse – 9132 FM908, Rockdale, TX 76567. Closest restaurant to Flipside. 512-429-4131.

Brookshire Brothers – 1701 W 4th St, Cameron, TX 76520 (254-697-4435) and 725 W Cameron Ave, Rockdale, TX 76567 (512-446-2491). Grocery stores.

CEFCO Convenience Store – 201 US-79, Thorndale, TX 76577. (512) 898–2683. Especially convenient because it doesn’t cross Hwy 79 and FM 486.

J&K Grocery (Shell) – 101 E. Hwy 79, Thorndale. (512) 898–2921. Will do special beer orders; deliveries are Tuesday & Wednesday. Call ahead.

Steve’s Place – 111 W. Salty St., Thorndale. A small bar, less expensive. Excellent burgers served after 6 pm, Sat. 11 am–3 pm.

Thorndale Lumber Co. – 99 S Main St., Thorndale, TX 76577. (512) 898–2024. They also have a supply of hardware. 8 am–5 pm M-F and Sat. 8–noon.

Thorndale Meat Market – 300 US-79, Thorndale, TX 76577. (512) 898–5387. A good place for meat, especially bacon. Give a howdy from the Burner crowd. Call ahead if you have a special request. M-Sat. 10 am–6:30 pm, Sun. 11 am–3:30 pm.

Walmart – 709 US-79, Rockdale, TX 76567