Fall Town Hall

Welcome to Fall Town Hall! Fall Town Hall really opens the upcoming Flipside season. Come get ready for getting ready for the event. Vote on the theme! Volunteer for sTicket jurying! Schmooze with your friends! Learn what’s new this year!

Tailgating and set up start at about noon. The agenda starts at 2:34, and progresses as follows:
– Welcome, Pledge, Leave No Trace
– Catalyst Collective Update
– Retiring and New Area Facilitators
– Volunteerism
– STickets Contest
– DaFT Effigy Proposals
– Theme Presentations
– How to Vote
– Voting Break
– Pledge
– Warehouse Use
– Combustion Chamber Update
– Community Announcements (Ignition Philter et al)
– Theme Announcement, Closing, Leave No Trace