Burning Flipside 2022

Hello Flipizens!

It feels like we’re finally digging out of the mess of the past year and a half, and Austin Artistic Reconstruction is optimistic that we’ll be able to have Burning Flipside in 2022. There are some things we do know and some things we don’t know at this point. This is to update the community on where we’re at.

  • Flipside will be held at the same time and place, Memorial Day weekend at Apache Passtures.
  • The theme will be what was intended for 2020: The Sacred and the Propane.
  • The effigy will also be the same: Stairway to Heaven.
  • The ticket window will be slightly later in the year, and will be shorter: probably one week in February.
  • Population cap is currently not decided. As always, volunteering levels will decide overall population.
  • There will be some Covid-19 precautions at Burning Flipside 2022. Their exact nature, and how they will be implemented in our ticket system and at Gate, is not yet decided.

We realize that Covid-19 could still throw us a curveball, so be prepared for this to change.

Flipside hasn’t been the first thing on anyone’s mind in a while, but it’s time to start thinking about what you’ll bring in terms of volunteering, art, and theme camps. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on the pecan playa.