CC Meeting 25 January 2016


Monday, January 25, 2016

FACILITATOR: Turtlebunnie

STACK: Hawk, Clover

SCRIBE: Chim-Chim

ATTENDEES: Mizu, Izzi, Hawk, Chim-Chim, Turtlebunnie, Clover, Kat, Monkey, Prost, Problem, Adam, Thomas, Henry, Pixie, Decibel, Collin, Notfunnyatall, Clovis, St. Tiki, Bonobo


7:59pm LLC UPDATE (Adam)

  • AAR had annual retreat; Discussed long-term topics
  • Mass Gathering Permit turned in
  • Ticket window is closed; Will try to plan event and number of attendees based on number of factors; MGP; Max head count will be established; May be lottery to keep numbers same

8:05pm TOPIC: TOWN HALL (Hawk)

  • Saturday, February 6
  • Decibel will be doing sound
  • Count on containers
  • Need port-o-potties
  • Warehouse cleanup this Saturday, 11am
  • Doing passports again this year
  • Sending out agenda to be updated; LLC 10mins; CC- Respect discussion notice; DAFT (Caleb)—make announcement at TH; CC talk to someone on Tinderbox; Safetyside and Safety are going to co-table (Safety Third)—Short presentation;
  • Julie—Genesis AF; Needs shade structure and table next to volunteers
  • Chairs will be set up inside; BYOC
  • Shortcake—Site prep AF
  • Sharing 3 things to a shade structure
  • Thursday—send message to ping neighbors about Town Hall
  • Passports: Encourage people to go chat with AFs
  • 10am setup; noon-tailgate; 2:30pm meeting starts; 4:56pm breakdown

8:19pm TOPIC: Children at Flipside (Hawk)

  • Looking at FS for what needs to be done; Red flags/safety issues to be generally aware of children and families; How children are part of Flipside
  • What are perceptions of parents/fears of way event is going now, and what do you want to change/where do you want this to go?
  • Is it still FS if there were no kids?
  • Some places like the red zones should be contained; Kids need to learn our values somewhere; Procedure to deal with parents who fall down on job;
  • Flipside is fun! It’s better than homework.” Calvin
  • People who prefer children not at Flipside: Some Burns simply don’t have children; Children are first and last the responsibility of the parents; Make responsibility more explicit to all parties; Lost parent/lost child protocol a part of FS; In sense of staging an event; Are we throwing a party, or are we building a community?
  • Lost parent: Handled on case-by-case basis
  • Liability on nudity with children? By letter of law, yes. Several levels of standards and discretion applied; Community standards; Leo discretion; perception of situation; Keep track of the context; Context matters (and how); Dependent on LEO; You are responsible for the situation
  • Members of red zone are more terrified of kids being there than vice versa
  • If camp is well-organized, there is a parent in charge; Assigned babysitter parent; Don’t want our presence to change FS; Nice to make buffer zone
  • Difficulty is that even if parents are present, if I’m doing something law doesn’t allow, I’m still liable; Should be careful in communicating that, including placement; Good to have red zone; Good to communicate you are responsible; 23-yr old may not be aware of that
  • Discussion of having minor on CC; Implications of 15-17 yr olds at FS;
  • Having above 13yr old on CC wouldn’t be a big deal; Community standards and norms apply to us as well
  • This is a big issue, and you might want to freak out! Should emphasize people’s responsibility; Good to communicate to community that they should take full responsibility; Impacts everyone involved; Issue—dealing with older minors; Campaign about carding minors; More individual bars and alcohol distribution be aware about everything about TABC applies
  • Welcome teenager as member of CC; There are legal frameworks that have to work; CC is an advisory board legally sanctioned; Social media communication has another set of standards that limit to 14-yr olds and above;
  • Can’t have a safe zone at FS; Can be harmed; When it comes to children at FS, need to be extra aware. They don’t know the risks; Risk of arrest discussion
  • Concerns of kink community/red zone: As mechanism (teenagers) (18 and under/13 and under); Brings greater liability/responsibility on organization; Would rather leave that to parents; Wristbands put more liability on us, and don’t protect anyone at all; If teen kids get a hold of wristbands, would be in more trouble; FS does not have a formal red-zone; Most kink camps want to be together
  • MOTION: To re-confirm our commitment to include families with children, and keep this a community event; Burning Flipside is a community event; Don’t want to say we are a family event; We are a community event and we value our community members of all ages or families with kids; MOTION PASSED
  • Every year, we should look for a reason to change the topic of the conversation; Reason why we are here is because it’s dangerous, hard; Children at FS is like children of the USA; Follow up with family values follows liberty
  • Concerned with hurting kids: Issue: Not a sustainable community if we are not talking as if children are part of our community
  • Reoccurring conversation—will go over wristbands; Every time convo comes up—kink camps were integral to infrastructure ops and getting FS off the ground

9:27pm REGIONAL UPDATE (Clovis, St. Tiki)

  • GLC taking place March 31-April 3
  • Still haven’t announced ticket prices; Negotiating impact of tax
  • Litigation with BC Canada over trademark issues
  • Apogaea secured land in southwestern Colorado; Having issues trying to find EMS, Rangers, Fire; Two weeks after Flipside; Near Trinidad; Board reorganized

9:33pm AF UPDATE (Clovis)

  • AF meeting Thursday, February 4
  • Gearing up for Town Hall, Flipside, etc.
  • Project Manager for Bureau of Land Management for Burning Man; Apply now through February 8th

9:40pm OLD BUSINESS (All)

  • CC meeting scheduled for final day of Myschievia; Move from Oct 10 to Oct 17; PASSED
  • Tentative date: Fall Town Hall on 1st weekend of Oct. (ACL weekend); REVISIT and put on TRELLO
  • TOPIC: Consent—What topic you wanted it to be; Topics to cover; 2hrs with 15-min break in between; ageism, racism; Check with Doug; Idea of privilege; Intersection of realities; Sexism, ageism, racism;
  • Scope/Size?
  • CC promised the RESPECT 2.0 discussion at old warehouse; A lot of framing/restarting the conversation; If we want to change the answer, CC needs to own it and decides what it wants to do; Doug is instrumental in framing discussion; Want to identify the series/decide what it’s going to be; Recommend to do it in such a way that regional coordinators can bring this to other places; Can do what community needs and communicate; Important for us to lead
  • Having general respect discussion with smaller group discussions to speak about specific issues; Set up tentative dates
  • Announcement will be before Town Hall; AI: Have set date, time, etc. to send out on February 2; Put together before TH; 3 tentative dates
  • Website, official FB page, Announcement; Austin lists; Blurb will be sent on CC list
  • Suggestions for titling and wording: A respect discussion: How to talk about race and other things
  • Important to consider giving time to CC and LLC and other bodies—Set aside time to make sure to revisit topic and get everyone on the same page; What are we doing, and why? Need to have primer to discuss leadership; What are we saying? What are we agreeing on? CC should at least agree on what we are doing; Invite them to be part of the discussion; “Common definition of discussion”
  • CC PICTURES: Volunteerism; Org might need to take pics of other AFs; Email, time, calendar, date; Put on old business for next Monday; Beer and cider budget added with photographs

NEXT MEETING: Monday, February 1

TOPICS: Town Hall prep (All); CC operations (Turtlebunnie)



SCRIBE: Chim-Chim