Announce for March 2016

FBSLogoMarch is coming up, and with it we’ll see warmer weather, longer days, and Burning Flipside 2016: NO is rapidly approaching. Are you ready? What will you do to participate? How will you bring NO to life?

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


Ticket Update

Hello All! Loribug, 2016 Flipside Ticket Lead Here.

First off: nobody has tickets yet. Ticket opening is happening very soon (editor’s note: as I type this Announce post) – once that happens, your ticket status will change. Expect these changes to occur by March 1.Envelopes

Check your status by logging into

  • Right now, almost everybody’s status says PENDING
  • After ticket opening, most should change to RECEIVED
  • Some will change to PROBLEM
  • If we did not get anything in the mail, status will stay PENDING

When you log in next week, you want to see RECEIVED. If you sent in your registration and money order, but your status stays at PENDING or PROBLEM, then you need to worry a bit. I will send out an announce next week with more info on what to do if you have problems.

You will not see TICKETED until we have resolved most problems.

Good Luck and Happy Flipside!

Combustion Chamber Meetings

The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. CC meetings each start at 7:42 pm at the Warehouse. March will see a gap in the regular CC calendar, because there’s SO MUCH HAPPENING in March.

Special topics are as follows:

February 29:

  • LLC Update
  • Regionals Update
  • Firearms—A general discussion of current firearms policy at the WareHouse and the event.
  • Art and Consequences—Does Art have Consequences? What does this mean for our community? Where does my art end and your safety begin? What if my art makes you angry? How can we think about our art to help build our community while maintaining our open minds?

Mar 28

  • LLC Update
  • Regionals Update
  • Improving CC Communications – How can we communicate better with the community? Can we use social media to improve our outreach?

Have a topic you believe the community needs to discuss? Send suggestions us at
Keep in mind that we discuss community and policy issues, not operational ones.

Work Weekends Continue

The first Work Weekend is in the bag, and wow…there’s a lot to do! The land looks better than I expected after Aquapolis, but there is a lot of wood to burn, and a creek that has seen better days. The photo featured was taken standing on the water’s edge looking just a little downstream and up the bank. That pile of brush is over 5ft high, and goes from the waterline to the bank.

BeachPilePlease put these remaining dates in your calendars and join us for prepping the land for our wonderful event!

  • WW-II – March 26
  • WW-III – April 9
  • WW-IV – May 7

What to do: Please email 2016 WW Communications lead using saraphinacantu at gmail dot com and include what dates you plan on coming out. The list helps us know how many people to plan for and gets you on the super-secret work weekend direct emailer that will give all the specifics of what is needed each weekend.

Burning Flipside Road Shows

If you didn’t get a chance to make it to Town Hall, a Road Show might be coming to a town near you!  Each event is Leave No Trace.

Houston Road Show
March 5, 2016, 1-4PM
908 Winston St, Unit G
Houston TX 77009

North Texas Road Show
March 12, 2016, 1-4PM
2518 Bridal Wreath Ln
Dallas TX 75233

Come see Houston’s Warehouse! Hang out in North Texas! See how, even though we’re miles apart, we’re all one big community!