Update 10:23PM Thursday May 28th

Thank you to everyone who has been asking about Post Operations.

I apologize for the delay in getting this message out but as you can
understand this year is unprecedented and plans needed to be worked out.

First let me say this Saturday is NOT the major cleanup day that has
occurred in past years. This Saturday is for individuals/theme camps to
retrieve personal items and minimal infrastructure work.

Post Operations Dates As follow:

Day 1: Saturday May 30th

Purpose: Individuals or members of theme camps with items on site are
requested to remove them (get your cars, find your valuables, get your camp
things, or throw it away)

Time: 10am-completed

Volunteers on site: Minimal needed for assisting individuals/theme camps
and general clean up. Meet up at 9am at Warehouse if interested.

Note: prepare for wet conditions as there is a good chance of rain on
Saturday. Additionally participants will need to understand that conditions
are potentially worse than when they left. Materials that have been sitting
out for days and are possibly in standing water so protective gear should
be brought out as well as a change of clothes for afterwards.

Day 2: TBD but potentially Saturday June 6th (Depending on continued
weather, analysis of conditions after Day 1 and arrangements with land

Purpose: First Pass Clean Up and Infrastructure removal

Time: 10am-5pm

Volunteers on Site: We need all hands on Deck!!!!

Note: Additional details will follow but expect this to be more challenging
than previous year line sweeps.

Day 3-?: Follow on dates to complete clean up will be determined as needed.

I understand how difficult the conditions this year were on everyone and I
appreciate your understanding and patience as we work out how to deal with
the aftermath. I am always amazed by Burners and the desire to jump in and

2015 Site Sign Off AF