Flipside 2021 Canceled

Flipside Participants,

It is with heavy hearts that AAR must announce the cancelation of Burning Flipside 2021. While this was a difficult and emotional decision, we believe it was the only responsible choice.

We plan to reopen the warehouse when guidance from our local government and prevailing medical wisdom allows, and we look forward to seeing all of you at Flipside 2022. Thanks to the generosity of the community last year AAR is able to weather this storm.

We’d like to thank the community for its continued support, love, and understanding. We want nothing more than to safely celebrate the end of this difficult time with our chosen family but we love you all too much to risk the health of a single one of you. Stay tuned to our “announce” list available at www.burningflipside.com/contact/e-mail-lists for more ways we can all share, connect, snark, smile, art, and conspire together and remember we can all still be there for each other even if we can’t be with each other.

Here are a few questions we know many of you might be asking:

Q: What about postponing the event?

A: The only safe and logistically possible time frame of September – October interferes with both Burning Man and Myschievia putting additional strain on volunteers and participants. This combined with the uncertainty of vaccine distribution makes it a no-go.

Q: What about a burner safari-type event like happened last year?

A: Amazing community members are already working on such an event! Stay tuned.

Q: What about a socially distanced Flipside?

A: It is our belief that an event where you could not hug your friends, masks are enforced, and every tent is flagged for social-distancing purposes is no longer the Flipside we all know and love. Additionally, we are not confident that all preparatory events (work weekends, DaFT build days, volunteer training, load out, etc.) could be performed in a safe, socially-distanced manner.

Q: What about testing to create a safe “bubble” for Flipside?

A: Testing is still a significant expense that many participants lacking quality insurance could not afford to cover. Additionally, as various other attempts at this have demonstrated, it still allows for the spread of infection and false positives, the latter resulting in the turning away of healthy participants.

Please send additional questions and comments to llc@burningflipside.com. Answers to these questions and more will be discussed at a virtual town hall to be held on Monday, February 22nd at 7 PM.

Austin Artistic Reconstruction