October Meg-a-nnounce!

There’s a lot in here, so grab a cuppa, sit back and have a read…

Burning Flipside Ticket Window: January 6-27, 2025
Our Burning Flipside ticket purchase window has been declared! Learn more,  watch for updates, and be prepared! More info at www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets

We Have a Theme! (and other Town Hall Awesomeness)
Fall Town Hall has come and gone, and while I wasn’t able to stay, it was by all reports an excellent day! Thank you to everyone who presented a theme! The final answer is…..”Deep in the Art of Texas!”
Extra thanks to the ASL interpreter who opened up Town Hall to more people, (we want to do this more often and need volunteers), and to the VDRs who helped people check their voter registration status and registered people on site. Three cheers for all the help with community chores!

The DaFT Selection Committee (DSC) Wants You(r Proposals)!!!
Our theme has been decided and we are well on our way to creating Burning Flipside 2025! Now we need our effigy designers to step up and bring us their amazing effigy proposals.  Here are the basics:

Ask the DSC! Wednesday, October 9th at 8:00pm Learn more and get advice from our DaFT Selection Committee. This committee, comprising several former DaFT leads, and convened to help select the effigy each year, is hosting an event to answer all of your DaFT questions. Come share your inspiration and get advice on how to make your proposal the best it can be! Here it is on that social thing we can’t seem to quit: Here it is on that social thing we can’t seem to quit.

Reach the DSC Are you full of great ideas but have never built or designed an effigy before? Email the DSC at daft-proposal@lists.burningflipside.com.  Read through the guidelines first to get a good handle on expectations. Reach out as early as possible. You are encouraged to utilize this resource!

Deadline for DaFT Proposals, November 29, 11:59pm CST. Submit your proposals by 11:59 the day after Thanksgiving to help provide the DSC time to review, offer guidance, and select final proposals.

Informative Links:

Support the Org that supports our Art! After Town Hall, Ignition Philter hosted an amazing fundraiser, featuring big art, small art, amazing food and beverages, a silent auction, performances, DJs, and a costume shop! Didn’t make it but still want to support more art at Flipside? You can donate any time at ignitionphilter.com/donate

Fall Art Show at Lloyd Sunday, Nov. 3, 2:00 p.m. Make art and save the date! Find more info on this amazing art show, “Museum of Civilization” and art nights devoted to it (and much more!) on our Warehouse Calendar at www.burningflipside.com/24-7-360. You can even download it to your own calendar so you don’t miss a thing! You can find it on social if that’s your bag.


Save the Date: Burning Man Community Town Hall, Austin – Saturday, Oct 19th I 11AM-1PM Burning Man curious? Save the date! Marian Goodell, Burning Man Project Co-Founder & CEO will be in Austin on October 19th for community conversation about the future of the Burning Man Project and how your participation fuels meaningful change and contributes to a more connected, creative, and thriving society. Want to go to the Big Burn for the first time? Come out and talk to veterans and artists that are heading out to the playa in 2025 and get your questions answered! This event will be hosted at Lloyd the Warehouse 3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin, TX. Please RSVP here: https://here.burningman.org/event/burning-man-community-town-hall-austin

Visit the Houston Temple – now through November 9. The Orange Show and sculptor David Best, known to many of you through his amazing temples at Burning Man, has brought this special experience to Houston, along with his team and a Texas temple crew. Special programming Thursdays, culminating on November 9, 2024. For more information and reservations, visit https://www.full.orangeshow.org/davidbest and while you’re there, check out the rest of the Orange Show’s offerings!

Fall Town Hall, a Fundraiser, and Art Aplenty

It’s September, and you know what that means! A hearty welcome back to our dusty friends, a new Announce, and a launch of the 2025 Burning Flipside season! Check out the upcoming fun at Lloyd the Warehouse (and familiarize yourself with use of the space)!

FALL TOWN HALL (hosted by the Combustion Chamber)
Saturday, Sept 28, tailgating noon, presentations 2:34 pm 

Come out to Lloyd the Warehouse to catch up on the latest news, catch up with friends, bubble with enthusiasm, and vote on the theme for Burning Flipside2025! Tailgating and set up start at noon. Come in costume, bring things to share! Remember, Lloyd is a leave-no-trace space. Pack out what you bring. There are no trashcans.

Before we can vote on a theme, we have to have some themes to vote on! SUBMIT YOUR THEME suggestions here – log in required. There’s probably some sort of deadline. Promote your themes AND entertain the masses with your fun, fancy, or familiar theme presentation at Town Hall!

Sept 28, 8:00 pm to midnight

After Town Hall, (and helping reset the space), come back at 8:00 to celebrate a night of art, music and treats and help Ignition Philter fund artist grants for Flipside 2025! To volunteer, contribute auction items, etc., please reach out  to info@ignitionphilter.com. More event details at  facebook.com/events/2521541201372214/


FE101 – Building a Boosh Class with Tim Deagan
Wednesday, Sept 25, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Did you see the fire garden at Flipside? Do you have a burning need to make FIRE! Want a sweet boosh in your theme camp, or yard, or mutant vehicle? Come join an open-to-all free class that introduces and demonstrates the basic principles and construction techniques for a basic boosh (aka flame effect, poofer, flame cannon, etc.)

Car Cover Quilt Making Wednesday October 2, 8:00 pm to 10:00pm

Sometimes folks camp in their cars at a burn. That doesn’t mean we want the city to look like a parking lot! Come make quilts to cover up those cars at Flipside, for yourself or to gift! The idea is to make scrap quilt tops or panels that can easily attach to cars with magnets to decorate camps with more art!

Paint on Reused Canvas Wednesday, Sept 28, 8:00 pm to 10:00pm

We have a small stack of donated canvases and some paints and brushes but feel free to bring your own (to share or not)! Come on out and remake some art!

Fall 2024 Art Show: Museum of Civilization! Sunday, Nov. 3, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Bring your art! It’s a show and tell with your burner besties and we’d all love to see what you’ve been doing. Does your art have to match the theme? Absolutely not, just BRING IT! Register your art at https://forms.gle/fAMsFqMWw6QUsZRcA to build up the excitement (and let us know what to expect!) Do you have to bring something? Nope – art appreciation is also very important! Come play, and pARTicipate!

You can also RSVP and keep up to date on all the things on the Facebook Event.

Notes from the Combustion Chamber

The virtual August Combustion Chamber (CC) meeting was the most active and well-attended we’ve seen in a while! Thank you to everyone who participated and tried to join in! Apologies for the meeting size limitation – we will work on our tech before the next online meeting! The topic and delivery method both seemed to play into it. There was substantial community and operational support for moving Burning Flipside to an earlier date, and much discussion as to why (and some why not).

While the CC is not where final decisions get made, it is a crucial pipeline for the community to share thoughts. The board and operations teams are factoring your feedback into next steps. Stay tuned for more info!

Do you care about how the city gets made? Are you volunteer-curious? Join in on the next CC meeting, in person on Wednesday, September 18th (Church Night) at Lloyd to give thoughts and feedback on volunteering. Got a hot topic you’d like to bring to the community? Email cc@burningflipside.org and let us know. 

Shameless Plug for Content

Content wants your content! Got features you’d like to see in our community newsletter?  Got a burning question for Ste. Michelle? Want to help make these posts pretty? Give me a shout at content@burningflipside.org and let me know how you want to help!

August Flammounce – Wrapping Up and Gearing Up!!!

MOVING FLIPSIDE IN TIME – Community Participation Needed! The Combustion Chamber has an upcoming discussion regarding Burning Flipside and Climate Change (including potentially rescheduling the event), and Fall Town Hall planning! This meeting will be virtual, and will be on MONDAY, AUGUST 19, online!

Please Note: A decision will not be made during the meeting itself, but with a potential event change this big, we need as much community feedback as possible. 

Where: https://meet.google.com/iwc-exvo-mew

When: August 19th at 7:40 pm.

Can’t make the meeting? Submit advance commentary here.  (Select “I know who I want to contact” and choose Combustion Chamber” from the dropdown menu).

Got a Burning Topic for Community Consideration?

First – check our upcoming topics:

September 18 – Special Church Night Meeting! Topics:Town Hall walk-through; How are YOU participating? (Community Input on a volunteer reframe)

October 21 – Town Hall Afterburn; Community Input for Disinfo; Community Input for Content

November 18 – Camp Accountability 

December 17 – Spring Town Hall Planning; Spring CC Calendaring

GOT OTHER HOT TOPICS for community input? PLEASE submit your topic to the CC for consideration before our Calendaring meeting in December! If the topic is HOT ENOUGH, we may squeeze it in before then, but keep in mind, we want to give the community enough time to plan to participate if they want to.

2024 WRAP UP

Sticket Winners! We neglected to mention it at the time, but two amazing participants WON the contest (and won the only free tickets to Burning Flipside)! Jake-a-lope won with an amazing ticket design; Alyssa Vallecorso with a badass sticker design.

Where is your sticker now? Please send pics here! (These pics may be used in future publications by Burning Flipside)

Gate count:  For 2024, the Catalyst Collective sold 2,490 tickets and 2,368 participants attended Burning Flipside: Cosmic Critter Carnival. 

Placement: We had 129 registered Theme Camps and 76 placed Art Pieces! And many more that people just brought, for the art of it, with or without registration!


Area Facilitators Needed! The operational side of Burning Flipside has an extensive volunteer organization, with ten Areas subdivided into Departments. Areas are led by Area Facilitators (AFs), and departments are led by Leads. What do area facilitators do? They support leads in their positions. They meet approximately monthly with the Catalyst Collective to talk about big picture operational stuff. The following areas are seeking new facilitators:

360/24/7 covers departments that serve Burning Flipside and the Burning Flipside community outside of the event. This includes the Warehouse, Equipment Librarian, and Edjumication.

City Planning: Every year we create a temporary city in the middle of nowhere. City Planning is the team of people who, with input from other participants, design it and help bring it into existence. Departments include Cartography, City Signage, Flagging, Placement, and Theme Camp Liaison. 

Read more about our operations team and how you can participate here.

Town Hall – Fall Town Hall is usually in late September.  The CC meeting on August 19 will firm up the schedule, so watch for news in a few weeks to save the date. 

Shameless Plug for Content! Got something you want to highlight here? Got a question to ask Mx. Flipside? Want to help compile this newsletter? Please let me know here.  (Select “I know who I want to contact” and choose Combustion Chamber” from the dropdown menu)

Mid-May Announce: Almost time to head out!

Survival Guide – a MUST READ publication! Did you know you assume all risk by attending Flipside? It ain’t Dizzy-knee world, you know. Have you read your survival guide? If not, please do it now!!! You can find it here:https://www.burningflipside.com/event/survival-guide 

LOAD-IN NEEDS YOU! It’s May 18th! Do you know where your children….er…..your event infrastructures are? I do. They’re in the warehouse, waiting for you to help load them onto the trucks and into Flipside. Come on out tomorrow to help load some effigy and all that other stuff needed to make Flipside go. Many hands make for lighter loads! Being prepared: Bring sunscreen, gloves, water, snacks, and a good attitude. Load in begins at 10 am at the warehouse and 12:00 on site out at Apache Pass-tures.

Packing up for the event? Pack a radio! (and bring a spare!) A message from camp: K-FLiP, The Voice of Pyropolis asks that you bring a working FM Radio to FS!  Jambox or counter top, plug in or battery-powered, all are needed. Please bring suitable batteries. That way, folks in far off locations (Hello Parking!) can enjoy the great shows planned for this year. Radios can be dropped off anytime at the K-FLiP studios. And keep it locked to 100.5FM campers! ~Thank J. Radio

VOLUNTEERING –a great way to participate!

GATE I.T. Our gate staff is friendly and efficient at getting us through the fate and into the event. We LOVE our gate staff! What they are not is IT techs, and sometimes the machines go blip up there. Available to help fix the techy stuff?  You just need a solid understanding of PCs and basic networking, and to be at gate for opening each day you volunteer. There’s an easy how-to doc tshowing what needs to happen. Please contact communications-af@burningflipside.org.

SHAVEN APES Can you he’p ‘em? Shaven Apes help folx who need it, specifically the sort of thing like moving a thing, getting a thing upright that’s not, basic physical labor and support.  Most of that help is needed Thursday and Monday.

MEDICAL Do you have medical training? Do you like a nice shady spot to be during the day? Volunteer for PETS (Pyropolis Emergency Team) for a shift or two! Want to help, but not medically trained? I hear they have concierge spots, too. You can help take care of the people who take care of the people.

And more! Zone Czar, Parking, Echelon, Guardians, Greeters, and Meteorology are also looking for some help. Haven’t secured a ticket? Some of these positions will open up a ticket sale. You can use the contact form: contact form to reach who you need!


Theme camps and artists have been working hard to make Flipside, well, Flipside! What are you bringing? What is everyone else bringing? Here is a little taste!

Events at the Event You can find the Official alphabetical listing here: Registered Events. Click on each event for hours. A participant has created this handy grid here!. There will also be kiosks throughout the event for us non-pre-planners and those who drop their plans the second they make it through greeters.

More about Theme Camps The map is great! But you can learn a little more about each camp,here: Registered Camps.

Ogle Some Art! Just kidding, don’t just be a looky-loo! Again, yay for maps so you know where the art starts! Here is where you can find a bit more about what you’re looking at/participating in! Regsitered Art

Pre-Flip Megannounce

It’s beginning to look a lot like almost-Flipside! And you know what that means! Time for a mega-announce!

ALL ABOUT ART (including Events!)

A message from DaFT – They want your art! “Hi folks!  r any combination thereof!  Also on topic: voids, abysses, black holes, singularities, unending nothingness, and opossums. Art needs to be no greater than 20″ wide, 20″ tall, and 6” in depth.  Please swing by the Wherehouse on a DaFT build night to discuss or to frown at the places where it would go, or email daft@burningflipside.com if you’d like to discuss particulars.  Cheers!”

Art Beyond DaFT! There are still a few projects that can use your support, too! Some need art added to the art, some need hands, some need $ support. Go have a gander and help out some amazing projects at www.burningflipside.com/art/art-projects-seeking-supportDo you have some art you’d like to put in the effigy?  It can be cosmic, critter, carnival, o

Speaking of Art…cars Don’t forget to register that bangin’ jalopy (but don’t let it look like a mere jalopy)! The DMV registration deadline is May 17th at www.burningflipside.com/event/art/art-cars.

Got an Event at the Event? If you want it in Disinfo, please register at www.burningflipside.com/event/events-at-flipside.


Pre and Post Event

Load In to the Land on Saturday, May 18
Volunteer for truck loading (at the warehouse) and unloading (on the land) -sign up at https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/?event=6632b00897eb42559d063c24 (you will have to log in).

Help DaFT Get a Head Start! If you are unavailable for helping with the main load Saturday but could be available Friday evening and would love to lend a hand, please email daft@burningflipside.org to help with Friday loading.

Pre-Ops/Boundaries – Pre/Post Lead is Lurko Unlike the Shaven Apes, Pre/Post Ops deals specifically with helping set up the various pieces of infrastructure such as carports, the radio tower, etc. Pre/Post Ops are not simply Flipside’s workforce; they are the heroes who make everything much easier.
Volunteer for Pre-Post shifts which occur before and after the event here: https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/?event=flipside&department=Prepost. Volunteers must be approved for shifts before the gate opens and after it closes, and volunteers will be sent special instructions related to Early Entry.

Clean up and Load out on the Land, Saturday June 1 Volunteer for truck loading and cleaning up (on the land) and unloading (at the warehouse) here! https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/?event=6615e174c1c661337e03d904

At the event
Shaven Apes – Lead is Marlboro Man
Shaven Apes are a group that help the community through manual labor. Helping to set up a tent, build a dome, get a car unstuck, etc. are the type of tasks that the Apes undertake. Apes are informal, in that a participant does not have a “right to Apes”, but they can certainly ask. Apes in general do NOT undertake the setting up of infrastructure. AND Apes have a ton of fun!
To volunteer for Shaven Apes shifts, click https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/?event=flipside&department=shavenapes (Use the < > arrows to navigate through the days)

Cartelle – Lead is an open position (Talk to me if you’re interested in taking on a Lead role!) Help us help Flipside volunteers get and return their carts. Make sure carts go into the right hands. Help get carts back on the road if they get damaged. Answer radio calls about carts. Kindly communicate with volunteers and leads. Clean up carts for return to the vendor. Volunteer for Cartelle shifts here: https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/?event=flipside&department=cartelle

P.S. Shameless plug If you find these posts/emails helpful, or if you don’t but want to make them better, contact Content@burningflipside.org! Join the team, or just suggest content and we’ll do what we can to make it go!

Watch this space for more ways to pARTicipate before, during and after Burning Flipside! https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/?event=flipside&department=cartelle

DATES and DEADLINES: An April Announce!

UPDATED (4/15/2024) The deadline for registering for theme camps and art projects has been pushed from April 15th to April 18th.

UPDATED (4/16/2024) Edited to remove the secondary sale link after the deadline.

Howdy Fuh…lipsidians…welcome to your friendly April Announce! If you’ve been reading along, this is mostly reminders, but keep reading, there’s new stuff too.

TICKETS The most important looming deadline is the FIREsale ticket window. It closes on April 15th. Haven’t got a ticket yet? Know someone who JUST HEARD ABOUT Burning Flipside? Will your mom be unexpectedly in the area at the end of May? After they create a profile, they can log in and register for tickets in our Secure site and complete the rest of our process by mailing a money order. Registration and postmark all must be complete by April 15th.

REGISTRATIONS are open across the board! Two of them close on APRIL 18th! Bringing art that you want someone to find on the map? REGISTER it! Bringing a theme camp and don’t want to camp in the lawlessness of the badlands? REGISTER IT! Holding an event at the event? You have until May 17th. Got a cool ride (an ART ride!)? Again, you have until May 17th for your DMV needs. All registrations happen by logging in and going to https://secure.burningflipside.com/register/

SPEAKING OF ART – if you have an art project that needs some help, we have some help. When you register, please indicate if you need help with logistics. The Art Dept. will do their dangedest and so will the community. Let the Art dept. know what you need on your registration form (https://secure.burningflipside.com/register/). Visit  https://www.burningflipside.com/art/art-projects-seeking-support to find art to support (with time, art parts, or money) or to ask the community for some support for your art.

WORK WEEKENDS! (Don’t let the name fool you. It will be work, but it will also be fun! Come help make and maintain the canvas that the community paints this beautiful event upon. Please sign up on the Volunteer System if you plan to join! Bring a t-shirt to get your DIY Dirty Worker swag! For more info please email: wwcomms@burningflipside.org

COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Did you know you could participate in community feedback! You can at the next Combustion Chamber meeting. It will be held on April 15th, and we are going to try to go virtual on Google Meet. Check out the calendar listing on Monday for the link. The meeting topic is “Review of the Interpersonal Incidents FAQ

EVENT VOLUNTEER Highlights This city was not, in fact, built on rock ‘n’ roll, but on the participation of people like you! Always wanted to help but not sure what to do? Watch for our upcoming VOLUNTEER HIGHLIGHTS post. In the meantime, you can learn more at https://www.burningflipside.com/organization/operations and sign up for shifts at https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/


(aka second-round ticket window; same process, same price – plus tax*)

UPDATE (4/15/2024): There was a typo below that said the sale ends on April 16, 2024. That is incorrect, it ends TODAY at midnight, on April 15. We apologize for any confusion.

UPDATE (4/16/2024): Secondary sale closed yesterday.

Did you have a poorly-timed payday, an unplanned work trip, an unexpected snafu? Maybe you just learned about our little burn among the pecans yesterday. Whatever the reason, if you missed purchasing your Burning Flipside tickets during the regular ticket window, you may be pleased to learn that Burning Flipside is releasing a second round of tickets! No, it won’t be easier, and it will add sales tax*, but it will be a second chance! The ticket window opens TODAY. Tickets will be processed in the order in which they are received. The secondary ticket window (for registration and postmark) will CLOSE April 15 OR whenever we run out of tickets, whichever comes first. (Yep, April 15th happened first.)

  • If you have not already, create your Flipside Secure profile here.
  • Log in and access the sale registration in Secure.
  • Complete the registration, check your email, and print your form.
  • Get a money order for the total amount on your form. Make it out to “Burning Flipside”
  • Mail your form and money order to:

Burning Flipside, Ticket Request
P.O. Box 9987
Austin TX 78766

Got questions? Email tickets@burningflipside.org if you cannot find the answer. Updates to the ticket page coming soon!

*PLEASE NOTE! As a nonprofit organization, Catalyst Collective can declare a tax free day on sales tax on goods we sell. We’ve already used that day for the main ticket sale. Therefore, for this sale we have to pass the sales tax along to the purchaser. So prices will look slightly higher, to incorporate that cost.

March Announce: Tickets, Art, Registrations, and Upcoming Events!

UPDATED (4/15/2024) The deadline for registering for theme camps and art projects has been pushed from April 15th to April 18th.

Work Weekend is coming at your face this weekend March 8-10. Please sign up on the Volunteer System if you plan to join! We will be gathering fallen branches and limbs. Bring gloves and appropriate tools if you has them. Bring a t-shirt to get your DIY Dirty Worker swag! For more info please email: wwcomms@burningflipside.org

Tickets wants to thank the overwhelming supermajority of cosmic critters who submitted correct ticket paperwork and payment (no personal checks!) for 2024. We (you, me, and that carnival weirdo over there) created 1,354 ticket requests representing 2,154 possible tickets. As of March 5, our intrepid ticket team processed that into 1,917 actual going-to-Flipside tickets. Didn’t see your “you’re going to Flipside!” email, or curious about transferring yours to someone else, go here: https://secure.burningflipside.com/

STickets wants more artwork submissions! The Art volunteers can’t have all of it, man. And we’re giving out free tickets to the winners. If you want awesome-looking ticket and sticker designs for 2024, click this link to participate: https://www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets/sticket-contest-submission-guidelines

Registrations! Theme Camp registration and Art registration opened on March 1 and close on April 18. Want to bring art or a theme camp? Want to see them on the map? Get ‘em registered! https://secure.burningflipside.com/ Speaking of art, we’ve got a ton of announcements from that area!

Disinfo! Are you throwing an awesome Event at the Event? Register with Disinfo by May 17, so a crowd of critters will crawl your way! https://secure.burningflipside.com/

DMV If you want to drive that mutant vehicle around the city, you gotta register it! You’ve got til May 17 to do so – where? You guessed it: https://secure.burningflipside.com/

DaFT Update!  DaFT is CRUSHING it (like, wow, things are moving!) but we’d always love to see new faces. Email daft@burningflipside.org to get connected.

Art Projects Seeking Support – whether it’s hands, help or $$$, projects looking for support can use this page as a bulletin board to ask for community involvement. https://www.burningflipside.com/art/art-projects-seeking-support

Art Blog! If you’re interested in workshops or other art gatherings, keep an eye on the FS calendar with more details published on the art blog. Check https://www.burningflipside.com/art/blog often!

Safety wants to announce this year’s SafetySide!  April 12-14 at Apache Pass Event Center! It’s time! We’re ready! Tell us you’re coming Sign up at https://forms.gle/9dcbkU2NzFjoz1LJ7 

Watch this space for more info soon. Got an idea for the Flipside Flame? Let us know at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact/ff-submission A Flame will come out in approximately 2 weeks and have more colorful, community content.


Hello Flipsiders! We’ve all been on the edge of our camp chairs* waiting for a bit of info, and that bit of info is now here. Burning Flipside 2024: Cosmic Critter Carnival, will appear on our beloved pecan playa.  Read more about the event , including location, HERE.

Also note, you have 9 DAYS to register your ticket request and send in that money order! Find info and instructions HERE. Don’t delay!

*you know how difficult it is to be on the edge of a camp chair? I, for one, am happy to not be so precariously balanced)

(January Announce) Tickets and Art and More – but not much more

Hullo Pyropolers! It’s (near) the beginning of the month and it’s time to make some announcements, all official-like. Perk up and pay attention for some news you can use!


Detailed instructions and info can be found at www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets

A note from your ticket lead:

No Personal Checks

It’s that time again, folks!!  That’s right!  It’s time to get your excuses for missing the Ticket Window ready!  No Personal Checks. Or, OR, maybe it’s time to plan to make the ticket window this year! (January 8 through January 29).

You will need a login to the system (secure.burningflipside.org(and complete a ticket registration). You will need a Money Order or Cashier’s Check (you can get them AT the post office!) for the ticket price, any donation to Ignition Philter*, and survival guide (if you want a hard copy).  You will need an envelope addressed to Catalyst Collective. You will NOT need a personal check. If you do it right, it takes about an hour. 

A note on decorations:

There has been an increased rate of lost or significantly delayed envelopes recently.  Please ensure your decorations aren’t so good the machines can’t read the address.

No personal checks.

Love and tickets, Ste. Michelle, Patron Saint of NO PERSONAL CHECKS.

SUPPORT THE ART! *What is the Ignition Philter? It is an organization dedicated to inspiring the flames of creative expression through small grants for artists to bring art to Burning Flipside and other burns and burn-related events and communities. Want to see more art at Burning Flipside? Add a donation to your ticket purchase. Learn more about how Ignition Philter operates at https://ignitionphilter.com/ and watch this space and that for details about how to further support and apply for artist grants.

MAKE ART NOW! Can’t wait to make art? No problem! Having just had a beautiful and successful art show at Lloyd The Warehouse, the Pyropolis Art Guild is busy planning for next one. March 3, 2024 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. This event is for ALL AGES!! Littles are encouraged to share their work.

No vending on site, but feel free to display/share your website/insta/store/etc for people to find you afterwards. Bringing art? Please sign up here: here. Have questions? Email art-af@burningflipside.org. See the event on the socials at here (and poste soon on a Flipside website near you)!

SPRING TOWN HALL Need more news? Come out in person to our “Spring” Town Hall, hosted by Burning Flipside’s Combustion Chamber on February 3rd! Tailgating begins at 12:00, the Meeting at 2:34.

Find out about volunteer opportunities. Meet people involved in this creative exercise we call Flipside. Get updates on this year’s event (maybe even an effigy design!) Theme camps are invited to set up for tailgating and show off show your magnificent selves! Just like Flipside, this is a Leave No Trace Event. You bring it, you pack it out. Find it on the socials here.

Art and flames (and art in flames!), Your content lead, Izzi B