CC Meeting 20 June 2016


MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016


STACK:  Turtlebunnie

SCRIBE:  Chim-Chim

ATTENDEES:  Prost, Clover, Commander Awesomepants, Cooper, Problem, Blister, Rabbitt, Rabbitfoot, Babbage, Izzi, Henry, Turtlebunnie, Hawk, Breezy, Wrinn, Decibel, Pixie, Monkey, Psyche, Crash

TOPICS:  Review of Flipside; Event length


MOTION: Fall TH—raise awareness to add artist resources as topic for Fall TH; MOTION PASSED


7:52pm LLC UPDATE (Blister)

  • 2,783 tickets sold; 2,547 past gate; no show 6%; one ambulance run to hospital and one participant who went to hospital in a personally operated vehicle—both returned to the event; had 1 law enforcement incident involved inside gate, but no arrests; no gate crasher incidents reported; Event went smoothly despite rain; Most ppl came prepared; Traffic managed; Landowner did not recover any stuck vehicles; All done internally; No major incidents; Recycling unstaffed on Monday; Understaffed for picking up; Load in day after cleanup understaffed; site sign-off said few camps were yellow if were to moop map; For more info, contact Blister
  • Tix sold in initial release: under 2,500
  • Sat-Mon: Recycling; Are we going to have recycling next year? It’s a Flipside department; Cut down on operation? Recycling not seen anywhere outside BRC
  • Looking to recruit at least one new AF for 2017


  • Leads appreciation Saturday
  • AF meeting Sunday


  • AFs remind Leads to clean up and put stuff away
  • CC can let ppl know if they have anything at warehouse, needs to get taken home; Expiration date; Pile by overhead doors; Community pickup day

8:06pm REGIONAL UPDATE (St. Tiki)

  • Burning Man Europe, targeting 1000 ppl; the event itself will be called “Where the Sheep Sleep”; organized by “Burning Man Netherlands”
  • Lakes of Fire drowning
  • San Antonio mixer last Friday night; Looking for proposed location within 45mins of San Antonio; Instead of placement camps, will be genres/areas for ppl to choose; Forming LLC; Do fundraising; 250 ppl for first Burn
  • Mid-Burn 6,000; AfricaBurn 10,000
  • Beachside in 3 weeks
  • Burnt Soup is getting ramped up
  • Potential timing for San Antonio (December) looking at private campground
  • Fly Ranch (near BRC), which BMORG just bought, is 3,800 acres—desire to have some type of cool Burner retreat
  • Implication of housing at Fly Ranch (j/k)

8:21pm TOPIC: Flipside Review

  • Liked the City mail; Glad to see Kit sell straw; Seemed like volunteerism was working pretty well for recycling; Concerns: 2nd phase ticket process was kludgy
  • What a difference a year makes; Not a big problem with fireworks this year
  • Volunteer Assistance Squad may need tweaking
  • Traffic flow was much better this year
  • 2nd round tickets: Consider tickets online; Advantage—do everything like everybody else does; When you do, you get free stuff; When there is reason to choose to do differently, that’s great; Not ticket process, but process to sell the additional 238 tickets
  • AAR has ability to sell tix after window; Critical volunteer tix; Manual process
  • Kludgy means cumbersome
  • Adaptations to city layout went smoothly; Poorly-raining, muddy; Wasn’t last year; Camps moved around; Plus slightly cooler
  • Liked figure 8; Straw works wonders!
  • Camps better prepared; A lot left earlier on Monday; Affected us with no late volunteers; Towing was not an imposition; Cleanup—limited number of volunteers post-event
  • Tix: Put effort in tix that no one really sees
  • Site Ops: This year was best; Had half new leads; Volunteer towing good; Pickup weekend;
  • MOOP map coming out this year: Statistical type MOOP map
  • 2 things seen: ticketing different; no higher tier; One big burn instead of multiple nights of burns; no exit survey; Org doesn’t give art grants—someone else does it; up to ppl to bring art they want to burn
  • Idea of having new department for towing
  • Setup of safety HQ was off
  • Email Wrinn for recycling ideas/opinions; Not against towing, but problem is liability

8:54pm TOPIC: Event Length

  • Move to start on Wednesday?
  • Lengthier event = consider changing dates
  • Event length: Signaling art/scope of art; for five day event, most don’t take more than one day to setup; If looking for non-sponsored project, hard-pressed to do in a day; If you want ppl to do art on that level, 5 days is not enough; Big advantages to both of them
  • Tried to have longer event at one point; Sound complaints before Sound Marshall was there; Scaled down; not setup when focused on party; big difference Tues to Tues operationally when dealing with clients on Wednesday; If open for 10 days, ppl will be partying for 10 days; All art is self-funded; 2 days longer would be horrible for staff
  • Main burn Saturday; Temple Burn Sunday
  • May be able to do if at 5,000 ppl; Balance between amount of ability to support it/more money, but important thing about extending event is whether or not we want to have Flipside as ability to build great things; Volunteers; more, stupid, longer
  • If longer, look at safety teams
  • Suggestion: Determine number in each camp; Bigger camps more likely to build bigger things; need extra day; add another day to early entry for those
  • Day early; Don’t strive for full week; baby steps if on list
  • Volunteer count?
  • Use weekend before, have campers bring stuff early; Weather concern; Open
  • Most theme camps ready by time of event; early entry is awkward with privilege; labor-intensive; early entry an issue regarding questions
  • More of the ppl than the time; Stats are random
  • Expanding early entry is a reasonable experiment; Safety teams would have to happen earlier; Insurance gets expensive when event is extended
  • Wednesday early entry not so much an issue
  • If we extend early entry, do you deserve it? Weekend before is good; Weatherproof art project
  • 80% ppl check box for early entry
  • Emphasis on communicating needs; VR training?
  • How much safety volunteer base must we have? Setup
  • Are we contributing to volunteer burnout?
  • Early entry is meant for working; Even if you are a significant other, you are expected to be doing something; Contributing to volunteer burnout is watching those get early entry and sit and drink beer and do nothing
  • Week before dropoff? Ppl are liable for their own stuff; Needs to be left there in such a way that space appears unoccupied for insurance purposes
  • You get early entry through volunteering; You do not volunteer to get early entry; Having been on DAFT crew—became us vs them mentality; In addition to dropping art off on Saturday, org drops off art on Saturday; Truck was half-full at most

MOTION: Fall TH—raise awareness to add artist resources as topic for Fall TH; MOTION PASSED


  • Process in handbook
  • Picture day: July 11
  • Discussing mixer and add periodic mixer; Do one in September
  • If you left mixer with ideas with topics, discuss after meeting, ready for next mixer

NEXT MEETING:  Monday, July 11, 2016


STACK:  Pixie

SCRIBE:  Chim-Chim

TOPICS:  Calendaring up to December; Town Hall prep; CC membership; Date for CC retreat (Setup for October/November); Picture day