Burning Flipside Leads Nomination is LIVE

Hey everyone!  We’re getting to the beginning of planning time for Burning Flipside 2018:Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark.  And that means that we’re looking for leads in all departments.   What does a lead do, you ask?  Well, generally, the assemble a team of people to accomplish a specific task, like making Parking go, or ensuring that there are enough PETs to cover the event, or building roads during the run-up to the event.  We have over sixty lead positions, so there is something for nearly everyone’s skill set and interest!  Also note that we are also actively looking for lieutenants and people that want to help out.  This is useful if you want to learn about a department that already has a well-established lead that is likely to return, or if you don’t feel quite ready to throw yourself forward.  Also, please let us know about someone that is not you, if you think they would be great!

Are you interested?  Please sign up here:

Do you have questions?  The form above will tell you the AF to ask (Area Facilitators, or AFs, are responsible for supporting leads and helping them with defining their areas of responsibility), and you can contact them here: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact , or you can contact Dahling, our lovely Volunteer Coordinatrix at volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com!

Happy lead-ing everyone!