NO! is eternal. NO! is forever. NO! will burn to infinity in our collective memories. For now, though, we survived another Burning Flipside, and it’s time to look forward to what’s next. Because there’s always something burning…

Photo courtesy of Rabbitt
For more info, stay tuned to:
- Flipside Flame
- Announce email list
- Burning Flipside Calendar
- official Burning Flipside Facebook Page
- @BurningFlipside on Twitter
Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.
Clean Up & Post Operations POSTPONED One Week
Burning Flipside happened and it was Awesome! Now we need your help on the post event weekend clean up. Saturday, June 4th at noon we had many hands at Lloyd the Warehouse to organize and clean the space, getting it ready for the infrastructure returning from Pyropolis the following weekend. Thanks to those who made it out!
Next weekend, June 11th, we need help on site to pack up all the infrastructure that is going back to Lloyd the warehouse and perform any restoration needs to return the land to how we found it.
You may have noticed we had a little weather this year. Well the Thorndale area is expecting that trend to continue and even get worse over the next several days. As such, the traditional Saturday cleanup is postponed until Saturday June 11th.
As usual, meet up at the land at 10am or come by the warehouse at 9am to carpool/caravan.
While we are not anticipating the need for trailers as we have in the past few years, they are welcome. If you plan on bringing one, please indicate it by signing up at
If you have any questions please contact me at
Combustion Chamber Meetings Resume
Everybody needs a breather after the event, so the next CC Meeting is June 20, 2016.
The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. CC meetings each start at 7:42 pm at the Warehouse.
Special topics are as follows:
June 20:
- LLC Update
- Regionals Update
- Flipside Recap
- Event Length: Is the event too long, too short or just right? How would an alteration to the length impact volunteers, budget and other aspects of the event?
Have a topic you believe the community needs to discuss? Send suggestions to us at Keep in mind that we discuss community and policy issues, not operational ones.
Church Nights Continue
Remember to take care of yourselves as we reintegrate into Default Camp. Part of keeping the sense of community going is making it out to CC Meetings and Church Nights. Come hang out at Lloyd the Warehouse, work on projects, gab with fellow participants, and keep the warm fuzzy burning love alive. Folks arrive any time after 7:30 or so on Wednesday nights. Church Nights are BYOB and Leave No Trace. No MOOP!
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