The time is drawing near where we cast off the Default World and become Wizards of Odd. This Flame is long, but important. Please read it all, and pitch in to help where you can. We’ve got a lot of work to do to make this burn all it can be!
- Wrap Up of Recent Events
- CC Meetings (post burn, & call for topics)
- Last Minute Checklist
- Fundraisers
- Get Involved
- Events at Burning Flipside
Wrap Up of Recent Events
Work Weekend
The Final Work Weekend of the season was a rousing success! Downed branches were burned, a multitude of ant mounds were taken out, and more poison ivy than you can shake an itchy stick at was removed. Thanks to everyone who participated in our condensed work weekend schedule!
Theme Camp Mixer

Sticky Ideas
A recap of discussion points from the event:
- Fundraising
- Sharing resources among theme camps
- Edjumicating your noobs
- All the Safetyside topics—The rundown, not the reacharound
- Communication with theme camp leads
- Theme camp registration process
- Theme camp events
- Volunteering! “The zombie horse that just won’t die!”
- Alcohol restrictions – Age limits, etc.
- Theme camps across events—Interregional theme camps
- Polycamporous
- LNT—both intra and extra (No dumping at the ISD!)
Interested in learning more from Theme Camp Leads? Join theBurning Flipizens Theme Camp Leads Facebook Group!
Combustion Chamber (Post-event)
Just because the event is over, doesn’t mean the year-round work stops. The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. There will is one more meeting in April, and only one in May before Burning Flipside 2015, each starting at 7:42 pm at the Warehouse. Special topics are as follows:
June 8th topics:
- Flipside Wrapup – The community is welcome to join the CC in discussing Flipside 2015: The Wizards of Odd
- Warehouse Update – There will be a brief update on the State of the Warehouse
- Calendaring – The CC will calendar topics for their meeting through early fall. Have a topic you believe the community needs to discuss? Please send suggestions to Please keep in mind that we discuss community and policy issues, not operational ones.
- Followup on CC Retreat – A quick update on what’s up with the CC Retreat.
Last Minute Checklist
Survival Guide
Read it. There will be a quiz. Seriously.
A PDF is available online at http://www.burningflipside.
A text-only version (good for smartphones) is available at
Ticketing & Gate
Ticketing is all will-call this year. There are a few things you can do to ensure that you zip through formalities at Gate.
Make sure your ticket is in your legal name. Log in here:
If it isn’t, click the edit button (looks like a pencil) and fix it.
If you don’t already have your will-call receipt, download it from the same web address. Click the download button (looks like a cloud with a down-arrow). Print it out and bring it with you to Gate. The gate scanners cannot read phone screens.
If you’re having trouble logging in, try a password reset here:
Never had an account on our website? Create one here:
And then go through the above process to check your info and download your will-call receipt.
The theme-camp map is not available as of this writing, but when it is, it will be here:
Directions to the event site are here:
The map may show that you should take FM 908. Don’t! Take FM 486 up to San Gabriel, turn right, and continue for 3.1 miles to County Road 428. If you’ve been going the past couple of years and got held up at the bridge that was down to one lane while it was being repaired, you’ll be happy to learn that construction is finished.
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Fire & Ice
Help bring us bring ice and pizza to Flipside. This year we will teach a class on how to sculpt and we are bringing more pizzas then we have ever done in the past. Helping fund our art will help teach our community a little more about bringing the whimsy to Flipside. 🙂 <3 Fire and Ice Camp
Boombox Cartel
We plan to bring our boombox fueled, grass roots, neon Party Safari to Flipside this year! The catch? Batteries are expensive. Very expensive. We have enough batteries on hand to cover most of the Flipside event, up until Burn Night, but it would be very nice to put a fresh set of batteries into all the boomboxes for our planned flashmob dance party after the burn.
Why do we need boomboxes after the Effigy burn? Well, just imagine everyone on the burn field dancing to the same beat, and wandering all over the Flipside site in one massive boombox fueled mob while we’re doing it. Donate today!
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Get Involved
If you have ever volunteered, you know how much fun it can be, and how nice the warm-fuzzies are. There is still plenty of need, and plenty of ways you can participate. See what suits you, and sign up. This list is just the beginning… Help make the event GO!
arkle Motion
Hello Pyropolisians,
Parking is back and more fabulous than ever, with more cars, more sparkle and more parkle motion! We could use a few folks to help us however. Please sign up on the Parking Wiki Page.
Come parkle with us!
– veryscary of Flipside parking
Zone Czars
Thursday’s 7 to Midnight shift is starved for volunteers. Help get people to the right place! Volunteer to be a Zone Czar! Please sign up here: Thank you!!!!
Your Friendly InterZone Coordinator!
Saturday 10 am-6 pm
Sunday 10 am-6 pm
Monday 9 am- 5 pm
Earlier this year, people said they loved recycling and wanted it to be present at Burning Flipside. Now is the time to put those words to the test.
Recycling is looking for extra help Monday and/or Tuesday, even if only for a short time. Monday shifts, to load the truck Monday and Tuesday, and then unload the truck Tuesday. Please stop in and show how important this is you so we know recycling should be present in 2016. Anyone who volunteers for a Monday shift can stay on the land until Tuesday morning; volunteers helping to load the truck and unload the truck will need to stay over night, If there not enough volunteers for the Monday shift, and we get swamped, we will have to shutdown early! So please, plan ahead for your recycling needs.
Leave No Trace
Our Leave No Trace team is looking for a few good Flipizens to participate and help return our Pecan Playa to its natural state of bucolic beauty! Join the Clean-Up Crew on Tuesday, May 26th and/or Saturday May 30th to be a part of one of the most glorious demonstrations of our communal culture: We collaborate to build a kaleidoscopic mandala and then ensure that it’s as if nothing happened! It’s my job to make sure y’all are as comfortable as possible during our workdays, so trust that all y’all need to bring is hydration and your awesome self! the sign-up list and more details can be found on the Clean-Up Volunteering page:
Or just email me, The Clean-Up Lead, and we can discuss our passion for LNT:
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So you want to be a Ranger?
Yay!! Come volunteer with us! Gizmo, your friendly neighborhood Flipside Ranger here and we need all the help we can get folks. Ranger shifts are a mere six hours! Helpful qualities include a sense of humor, flexibility, integrity, patience, empathy, focus, and an unwavering commitment to the event and the participants who make it happen. If you have a willingness to be a responsible adult for brief periods in our fair city of Pyropolis and want to look fabulous in khaki while doing so, you’re in the right place!
You might say, “Gizmo, there aren’t any more trainings, ZOMG what are we going to do!?” Never fear! We will have our very last training ON SITE Thursday evening. Shift Lead training 6-7PM and Dirt Rangers 7-9PM. Report to Safety HQ 15 minutes early and we’ll get you trained!
Some key gaps in our schedule include BURN PERIMETER. Best seat in the house folks and one of the most fun shifts worked every year! We are also in need on Sunday Swing shift (during the burn) Sunday from 8p-2a and Grave from 2a-8a. We are nearly empty on Monday. Any shift worked on Monday will earn you our eternal gratitude and possibly some extra schwag.
Wanna be even more badass? Come be a Guardian and help protect the people of Flipside!
Looking to volunteer somewhere low-key and fun? Wanna learn how to use night vision and infrared lights? Need a little quiet space away from the city for a bit? Well the Guardians Department is the place for you. We are still in need of some badass volunteers. Spook shifts are only 4 hours, and you’re welcome to bring a friend with as long as they’re sober and won’t interfere with your shift. Digital and Guardian of the Day shifts are a bit longer, but still just as fun. All volunteers will receive super cool stickers, and if ya work a burn night shift or at least two shifts you get a Guardians t-shirt. Come help keep Flipside safe! Contact me at for more information.
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Clean Up/Post Ops Needs Help Saturday, May 30th
At the end of Burning Flipside there is a whole bunch of stuff that needs to go back to the warehouse so it can be used next year. Also the beautiful pecan orchard we currently are residing at needs to be swept for any last minute MOOP. These two actions help keep Burning Flipside sustainable (and able to have a 2016).
This can’t happen without you. Please come back out to Pyropolis Saturday May 30th at 10am to do a quick couple hours sweep of the lands. Lunch will be provided. IF you can’t come out then please make yourself available to help unload some items at the warehouse Saturday afternoon.
Want to get your inner badger on? The Exodus Badgers would love for you to help out Monday in helping our participants head back to the default world.
There are both Morning and Afternoon shifts (times dependent on weather, but generally 9 and noon) for your convenience and all Badgers have the added benefit of not having to rush out Monday after undoubtedly enjoying themselves too much on Burn Night. Ride a cart and watch the city deconstruct itself!
If interested, contact or on-site (typically he can be found lingering around RedCamp.
Hello, Pyropolis Participants! Are you wondering what awesome things are happening at Flipside this year that you want to attend? Such as the Big Belgian Beer Breakfast? Or the Burning Glam Fashion Show? When is it? Where is it at? Well…your answer is here: This page gives you a short preview of the event, and there will be a more detailed descriptions displayed on one of the red and white kiosks posted around the city. Also, if you have an event you would like to register so it’s both on the website and on the kiosks, do so here: (Keep in mind you need to log in to the secure site to be able to do either of these things.)
Hey! Do you want to make your own poster to put up on the kiosks? YES! Do-ocracy! There are 11 kiosks that will be spattered, each with two sides, so do what you want with those numbers. 🙂
Oh! The deadline is May 15th!!! That’s Friday, y’all!
Questions? Email
See you there!!!
Your Friendly Disinfo Lead 2015
Which leads us nicely to…
Events at Burning Flipside
Sweet wizards, you guys submitted a lot of stuff this time around! I’m going to do my best to get these in some kind of order, but, well…there’s a lot. Like most things at Burning Flipside, roll with it. You’ll probably miss some things, and likely find other things you never expected!
Bacon Delivery
Lick n Suck is providing prime BACON delivery Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning (burner time)! Come by the camp and sign up before 6 the day before and receive your bacon tag. To insure we aren’t shot when entering your space, there will be the option of “in tent” or outside delivery.
NAKED bacon Cookoff- Saturday 10 a.m. Bring your bacon, limited number of grills and utensils, but sharing is how it works! Prizes will be awarded.
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Bunny Brunch: Theme Camp Leads Appreciation Mixer!
When? Flipside Sunday, 2-4PM
Where? Team Awesome Pants / TAP FLOPHOUSE
Attention all Theme Camp Leads: Come be pampered by luscious bunnies, nibble on brunchtastic munchies, and sip on mimosas all while schmoozing with your fellow theme camp leaders.
Not a theme camp lead? Camp members are encouraged to bring their leads to this event. If you are not affiliated with a theme camp, go theme camp leadnap! (we will give you an extra mimosa for baiting if you come by at the flophouse at 1:30PM) hosted by Serious Camp on Team Awesome Pants’ turf
Burning Glam (Donations & Fashion Shows)
Burner Kids Fashion Show
7:00pm Saturday May 23
At the Hive!
Calling all Lions, Tigers, Bears and Fairies. Come strut your stuff and win fabulous trophies!
Burning Glam Fashion Show
8:00 pm Saturday May 23
At the Hive, right after the Kids Fashion Show
Brently & Cydney’s Somewhere Over the Rainbow Wedding
Come out and celebrate two joyous burners as they unite as one. Saturday May 24th at 3:45PM we will start a processional from Fire and Ice Camp (dress up in your best Rainbow attire with your parasols) and accompany us as we make our way to the Island. After the ceremony we will return to Fire and Ice to prepare for our Rainbow over the yellow brick road party. In the event of rain the wedding will move to the Hive. Reception at the party. The Guild will be serving up somethings you can trust, as well.
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Mohawks only, fools!
So you’ve got your wizard powers, and your ruby slippers, and your magic spells, but do you have a Mohawk??
YOU SHOULD. Mohawks are the ultimate hairstyle for all Flipizens, but most especially when you realize that all that hot hair is just making you sweat harder. Come to Lava Lounge and ask for Madalene on Friday, May 22nd from 2-4pm to be shorn and born again as a Mohawkee or Mohawkette for the rest of your fabulous weekend!
Sunrise Bloody Mary Bar
Come by Fire and Ice on Sunday May 24th and enjoy a chill dj set with a full do it yourself bloody mary bar. We plan to bring all sorts of fun things to zing up your Bloody Mary. Cups not included. Starts at 10AM
Lava Lounge GOLD Party
Bring your GOLD for the ultimate in Lava Lounge DJs erupting big boom boom sounds and earth shaking tremors we have been missing in the default!
(Lava Lounge GOLD Party = formerly white party)
Friday, May 22 @ 9pm
Red Dresses & Camp Curly Chills
Zion Community Kitchen & Hookah Lounge Has Plans
Mentalcase’s Mudd-Daddy Crawfish Boil hosted at Zion Communal Kitchen and Hookah Lounge – Thursday Afternoon
MentalCase will be making a big batch of crawfish for Flipside 2015 at Zion Communal Kitchen & Hookah Lounge. Come join us, bring additional supplies if you would like to contribute to the event, just coordinate with MentalCase on anything that you would like to help out with or to donate towards the boil.
Donate to MentalCase’s Paypal Account:
1) Go to
2) Select “Send” at the top of the page
3) Type the email address:
4) Enter the amount that you desire to donate and USD for currency.
5) Select Continue
6) Select “Friends or Family” option
7) Continue with your information to complete the donation process through Paypal.
Looking forward to having all of you lovely Flipizens join us at Zion. The boil will last until we run out of Crawfish and hope to have some lovely help with cleaning up the dishes.
We will catch you on the Flipside!!!
Zion Public Facebook Page
Event Page
Cards Against Humanity – Nightly at Zion Communal Kitchen and Hookah Lounge
Come join us in playing Cards Again Humanity nightly at Zion Communal Kitchen and Hookah Lounge. Never played, well come and join us, watch a few rounds and then jump into the camp and laugh your butt off, listen to some odd and random answers, and enjoy the social setting of this horribly addictive and fun card game.
Open Mic/ Jam Session – Nightly at Zion Communal Kitchen and Hookah Lounge
Come join us on the stage with nightly open mic and jam sessions starting at 3 AM until 6 am at the Zion Communal Kitchen and Hookah Lounge Stage. This will be hosted by Amy and Michael Body, the stage is set and the atmosphere is relax, live music, open mic, join in on the jam session. Or if you would like to come and watch, you are welcome to come enjoy our hookah lounge or the open area to sit and encourage the performers.
Fire Manipulation – Nightly at Zion Communal Kitchen and Hookah Lounge
Come join us at Zion Communal Kitchen and Hookah Lounge in watching, encouraging and even performing with the Fire Manipulators in our open performance area. Site in the Lounge or even in the messhall. Encourage the performers with their talent and skills while they put on a show for all to witness. This will be hosted at Zion by our various fire manipulators starting at dusk and running until our Safety and Fire Hazard LEAD decides that the performance has concluded.
Note: If you plan on coming to perform, you will be required to have your own fuel, your own safety equipment, your own safety person, and your tools will be inspected by our LEAD to ensure that you and your tools are in working order. Under no circumstance will you be allowed to perform, without your own everything (fuel, tools, safety equipment, safety person) and we will not allow anyone that is intoxicated or in an altered state to perform in our area or at our camp. Be respectful and mindful.
Don’t forget to bring an empty, cleanish, labelled ice chest by ICE on Sunday, and have it filled with snowballs for the snowball fight! Held around 4ish on the main field, the snowball fight is one of Flipside’s best traditions. Cool down before the burn!
You are also welcome to stop by ICE around noonish and help shave ice for the snowball fight!
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I go searching through Flipizens, and wading through the bitchin
Looking all in vain
And my eyes are a’ bleedin while
I really should be readin
If I only had a Flame.
I’d locate every party, for all the good and naughty
In dry times and in rain
With the Grog I’ll be drinkin’
If the efffigy’s not sinkin’
Think I’ll go and read a Flame
Oh, I could tell you why there’s leeches near the shore
I could drink some things I never drunk before
And then I’d sit, and drink some more.
I would not be just a nuffin’ my head all full of stuffin’
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry,
If I only had a Flame.
Congratulations, you made it to the end!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Content Lead
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