Flipside Flame January ’16


Burning Flipside is WHERE IT’S AT. We’ve got two Announcements and a Flame-o-phone…

Things to know, places to be, stuff to do! You want to be a part of things? Read on for more details about HOW TO PARTICIPATE!

Stay tuned to the Flipside Flame, the Announce email list, and the official Burning Flipside Facebook Page. Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


Combustion Chamber Meetings (January 25 & Feb 1)

The final January CC meeting of 2016 is coming up, as is the first February meeting. This is an unusual back-t0-back schedule, so make note.

The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. CC meetings each start at 7:42 pm at the Warehouse. Special topics are as follows:

Jan 25:

  • LLC/Regionals/AF Updates 
  • Kids, Families, Policies, and Culture, Safety—Flipside welcomes families and their children. We will be discussing the roles, concerns and intersections between parental responsibility and community support for families.

Feb 1:

  • LLC/Regionals/AF Updates
  • Town Hall Prep
  • CC operations

Have a topic you believe the community needs to discuss? Send suggestions to us at
Keep in mind that we discuss community and policy issues, not operational ones.

Sticket Deadline January 29, 2016

This is it. Really, really, totally, finally IT. Get your designs in! See the most recent Special Announce for the specifics, because it’s lengthy but important, and I want to save digital space in this Flame edition.

You got art? SHARE IT. Do it NOW!

Lloyd the Warehouse Clean-up January 30, 2016

Come help clean up the new warehouse before Spring Town Hall
When: Saturday, January 30th, starting @ 11am
Where: The Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace
Goal: to move a large part of what is downstairs to its final resting place on the newly finished mezzanine!

Spring Town Hall: NO! (February 6, 2016)

Join us for an afternoon of details, delights, and distractions. Learn about the event, discover ways to participate, and have a great time while leaving NO trace!

Spring Town Hall
Saturday, February, 6, 2016
At Lloyd the Warehouse
3106 Industrial Terrace
Austin, TX 78758

Work Weekends Announced!

Howdy Cats & Kittens ~
Burning Flipside Work Weekends are set! Please put these dates in your calendars and join us for prepping the land for our wonderful event!

  • WW-I – Feb. 19
  • WW-II – March 26
  • WW-III – April 9
  • WW-IV – May 7

What to do: Please email me at saraphinacantu at gmail dot com. Let me know what dates you plan on coming out, and I will put you on the list. The list helps us know how many people to plan for and gets you on the super-secret work weekend direct emailer that will give all the specifics of what is needed each weekend.
Also, come visit our booth at Spring Town Hall! You can also sign up there. It’s fun for the whole family!
2016 WW Communications

Oh, NO! The Ticket Window is Closed!

But there is hope yet! Deploy the Do-ocracy!

A common question from new participants is “How do I get a tickets outside of the ticket window?” There are lots of answers to this question, but the BEST answer is: Volunteer!

If you do not have a ticket for Burning Flipside, the very best way to get a ticket is to volunteer for something, anything, everything. If you volunteer then you are rubbing elbows with ticket holders. Ticket holders usually have more tickets. If you start going to the Warehouse, start volunteering, start meeting with other burners, you will find a ticket.

They say if you want something to be at Flipside, then bring it. That includes yourself. If you think you should be at Flipside, but you don’t have a ticket just yet, just PLAN TO GO. Start packing. Start that art project. Start making those friends. The first step is NOT to get a ticket to go. The first step is to get involved. (check out the work weekend post, for instance)

Yes, there are aftermarket ways to connect to people who are looking to sell their tickets, but volunteering is THE best way to get a ticket outside of the ticket window. When you volunteer, your Lead will likely help you find a ticket, because they need you.