Onsite Volunteering

Hi everyone:

Volunteer Roulette is officially closed.  If you do not have an email about your position by midnight on May 19th, please contact the Volunteer Coordinatrix at volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com.

Despite that, however, volunteering is not closed!  Not by a longshot!

How can I help now, do you ask?

Two easy ways:

  1. Show up at Lloyd, the warehouse, 3109 Industrial Terrace Dr., Austin TX Saturday May 20th at 10:00 am, and help load Flipside onto the trucks to go to the land.  If you’re super awesome, you can even follow the trucks to the Flipside land and help unload them.
  2. This year, you can register for volunteering ONSITE.  All you have to do is report in at the Pyropolis Civic Center at the Crossroads, and inform a Volunteer Assistance Squad member that you wish to volunteer.  They will then assist you with finding a position.

Thank you so much to everyone who has put forward the effort into volunteering (and participating in the event).  We can’t wait to see all of you out there!