Burning Flipside and Texas Politics

All Citizens of Texas who attend Burning Flipside or similar events,

The Texas Legislature is considering many bills this session that would be damaging to members of our community and thus to the event. They are also considering several bills that could make it difficult, if not impossible to hold any burn event in Texas.

Among these bills are HB 643, HB 708, HB 1266, and SB 476. Each of these bills would require any business where someone performed “exhibiting a gender identity different from the performer’s birth (including by makeup or clothing) as sexually oriented businesses in the eyes of the law.”

This law is so onerous and so ill-conceived that it could impact not only burn events, but bars, dance clubs, and even community theatre.

For our participants who live in Texas and want to see burn events continue, we hope you’ll reach out to your state Representatives/Senators and attend committee hearings if you are able to register your opposition to these bills. Not only are they a danger to the event they are harmful to the community the event represents.

We are grateful for organizations like Equality Texas for their work in tracking legislation. You can visit Equality Texas‘ Legislative Bill Tracker to find out which bills to watch, and go to the Texas Legislature Online Bill Lookup page to look up the bills by number to read the text for yourself.

Note that Equality Texas also lists bills that support the LGBTQ+ community. Supportive bills don’t get as much love as they should. Please keep them in mind as you’re registering your opinions that you can also register in support of good bills.

New Year, New Announce: All About Tickets and an Updated Covid Policy

Hey all you Gregorian calendar users out there! Happy new year! And to everyone, happy new ANNOUNCE! PAY ATTENTION! There’s some important stuff in here!


NOTICE: Before you start, you might want to familiarize yourself with Burning Flipside’s updated COVID policy. The Burning Flipside 2023 COVID-19 Policy will be enforced for all participants. Being unaware of our policies will not be a basis for a refund or an exception. More on this policy follows ticket info.

Want a ticket to Flipside? If you’ve been here before, you know we don’t have your average ticketing system! We have a multi-part process. It’s pretty simple though: Register, Mail a Money Order, and Wait! 

PLEASE NOTE: Make your money order or cashier’s check (NO PERSONAL CHECKS!) out to Burning Flipside this year. This is a change from previous years. Find more detailed details, the answers to your lingering FAQuestions, and a link to registration at www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets!  

In the meantime, here are some pointers from our very own Ste. Michelle!

No Personal Checks

Hi!  Ste. Michelle here, reminding you the easiest way to get a ticket is about to start; some key things to remember include:

Ticket Window Opens January 9

No Personal Checks

Hi!  Ste. Michelle here, reminding you the easiest way to get a ticket is about to start;  some key things to remember include:

  • No Personal Checks
  • Register Early, Register ONCE (per login)
  • No Personal Checks
  • Double check your MONEY ORDER (It should be made out to Burning Flipside)
  • No Personal Checks
  • Mail in your Registration BEFORE January 30th
  • No Personal Checks
  • If you wait until January 30th to mail in your registration:  Go to the post office and get it HAND CANCELED to ensure it’s postmarked correctly
  • No Personal Checks

 Ticket Window Closes January 30

Seriously, no personal checks. 

~Ste. Michelle

While you’re at it, have a heart! Have some fun! Entertain your postal-person, your ticket-team, and yourself! Decorate that envelope! It’s not required, but why wouldn’t you? If I can make a tiki doctor using the highlighters, post-it notes, and tape I had at the office on the last day, so can you! Or you can plan better than I did that year and go to your favorite art supply store today.

Enough of the frivolity. Time to get serious…


The COVID-19 Policy has changed since 2022; please read the entire policy at www.burningflipside.com/about/policies/2023-covid-policy

There will be two options for entry to Burning Flipside this year.

Option 1 – Proof of Vaccination

You can present proof of vaccination at gate. This proof must show that you are fully vaccinated as defined by the CDC.

Types of proof of vaccination that will be accepted:

A CDC Vaccine card. You must present your physical vaccine card at gate.

Two VaxYes verification cards. There will be one card for your original vaccination and a new one for your booster.

Other government-issued immunization records.

The name must match the ID presented at gate.

Option 2 – PCR Test Negative Result

You can present a negative result from a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test that was performed at most 72 hours before your arrival at Burning Flipside. AT-HOME TESTS ARE NOT SUFFICIENT! The name on the test must match the ID presented at gate. A mismatch in these two names will result in you not being admitted.

The full policy and answers to your FAQs can be found at Burning Flipside 2023 COVID-19 Policy.

Sorry for such seriousness, but seriously, it needed to be done! Now make sure those vaxes are up to date or plan to schedule that test, get your registrations in (STARTING MONDAY JANUARY 9), and see you out there, you crazy kids!

Much love,

Iz (your friendly and content content volunteer)

Ticket Window and Other Upcoming Events

Hi Flipsidians, potential, past, and future! Welcome to your December Announce Post!

As the community gears up for a variety of winter events, we here are ramping up Pyropolis prep! With that in mind, keep these dates in mind and in your calendar! (View and subscribe!)


DaFT Submission Deadline Rapidly Approaching! The DaFT deadline has been extended til December 15th. Find a call for proposals here. Info and links to application page included.

NOMINATE a lead! Do you know someone who would make an awesome organizer? Who can motivate a team to get things done? Who leads by example? Flipside runs entirely on volunteers (it’s a great way to participate!) and those volunteers need leads. Learn more about the volunteer/lead positions here and complete your nominations. Yes, Virginia, it’s kosher to nominate yourself!


Service Day at Lloyd THIS SATURDAY at 1:00 p.m. Come out to the warehouse and show Lloyd some love! Our beloved warehouse needs some care and cleaning – we need your help!

Combustion Chamber Meeting December 12th at 7:40 p.m. Topics of Discussion include “What is a Theme Camp” and “Temples at Flipside” along with the regular AAR, LLC, Area, and Community updates. Got any input or want to learn more? Join the Combustion Chamber at (you guessed it) Lloyd the Warehouse.

AND BEYOND (More details soon for the following events)

Tickets Tickets Tickets The 2023 ticket request window will be January 9-30.  Please visit https://www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets for all the gory details.  We also need hands to open all those envelopes, so please volunteer! Ticket prices have not changed ($151 for adults, $40 for kids age 7-13, and $0 for kids 6 and under [they do still need a ticket, though])

Tickets needs STickets Art Want to do something with the Demolition Disco Derby theme?  There’s gotta be something in that melange to exploit.  Ready to do something unique for the community?  Heck yeah, submit art to go on the 2023 ticket and sticker!  Go here to learn the details and get started.  Deadline for submissions is April 17, 2023.  The STicket Lead this year is Lynx, so mail stickets@burningflipside.com to reach him with all your questions.

“Spring” Town Hall February 4 at Lloyd the Warehouse. Learn more about the org, the event, volunteer opportunities, and art and theme camp registration.

Safetyside April 14-16 Volunteering for a Safety Team? Come get trained and cross-trained at Safetyside 2023. Details and sign-up TBD

Work Weekends Feb 24-26, March 24-26, April 21-23, May 12-14 Come help prep the land! Details and sign-up TBD

BURNING FLIPSIDE! May 25-29th  Cross your eyes and dot your Ts and follow the yellow brick road (and all the instructions in advance) – see you in the pecan grove!

Got an Effigy Idea? Burning Flipside Needs YOU!

The deadline to propose an effigy, the huge focal point on the main field, has been EXTENDED to December 15th!

What comes to mind when you hear “Demolition Disco Derby”? Is it White Leisure Suits? Construction Hats? Roller Derby? Something else? Can you put those ideas together in one piece that captures the very essence of the theme? Or perhaps your concept speaks to the theme subtly from the side! However you approach it, we want your brilliance to shine like a disco ball!

To learn more about effigies at Burning Flipside, visit www.burningflipside.com/event/effigy.

The deadline to get as much as you can submitted (as complete a proposal as you can muster) has been extended to December 15th, providing you a little extra design time and leaving the DSC some time to consider proposals and help guide prospective DaFT leads fill in any blanks on how you would make the thing go should your design be chosen.

Got an idea but need some help fleshing it out? Are you full of great ideas but never built or designed an effigy before? No problem! Reach out to our DaFT Selection Committee (a wonderful group of previous effigy builders, happy to share a brain and provide feedback as you design your art. Just email daft-proposal@lists.burningflipside.com.

For more info on how to create your proposal, and what the criteria are, visit www.burningflipside.com/event/effigy/proposal. Read up! There’s a lot of useful info, followed by the proposal outline!

Happy designing!

November Announce: Art and Volunteering!

Hey, y’all! It’s November. And you know what that means? It’s time to ramp up all the behind-the-scenes creating and volunteering! With that in mind, here are several leaping off points!

Effigy Design Proposal Time

We’re well on our way to building Burning Flipside 2023! Fall Town Hall has come and gone, we have a THEME (Demolition Disco Derby), and now we need our effigy designers to step up and propose their DaFT magic!

Make sure you read through the guidelines before you do anything else so you have a good handle on expectations.

Are you full of great ideas but never built or designed an effigy before? No problem! Our wonderful group of previous effigy builders are happy to share a brain and provide feedback as you design your art.

The deadline to have as much of your proposal as you can possibly gather ready and submitted is November 24th (Thanksgiving).

Send your questions and proposals to daft-proposal@lists.burningflipside.com,

Happy designing!

STicket Season Begins Soon

Sticker + Ticket = STicket!  Want to help define how Flipside 2023 will be remembered?  Create some art to beautify the ticket everyone gets. Or, create some art to just totally nail the theme home on the sticker that comes with the ticket. Or, submit art for both.  Just don’t sit there and NOT create something.

We will be announcing the selection process and timeframes soon.  While you ponder the deeper meanings of Demolition Disco Derby, read the submission guidelines here on details like size, color, and things per inch.

Ignition Philter – Fall Fundraiser moves to Spring

Ignition Philter here (your friendly non-profit that grants funds for Flipside artists). Due to un-resolvable conflicts, we have decided to postpone the planned in-person fall art fundraiser event (until spring 2023).

If you would like to use this space/ time to contribute funds for art at next year’s Flipside, we always accept donations. You might consider this our “online fall fundraiser request”.
We are a 501c3, we can provide a receipt for your donation, as desired.
We can accept funds through Venmo or Zelle

Keep that spark alive always,

Ignition Philter

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in leading or lieutenant-ing? Learn more at https://www.burningflipside.com/organization/operations, with an eye one on the following departments: Website Admin, Media Liaison, Towing, Education, Warehouse Manager, Survival Guide, Safety Lighting, Boundaries, Sanitation, Transpo, Earth Guardians, Roads, Land Search, and Ice LT. Nominate a friend or nominate yourself!  (YES, you can nominate YOURSELF!) and help make Flipside GO!

In love and flames,

Your Content Team

September Announce: Wrapping Up 2022 and Gearing Up for 2023

Wrapping up!

By all ‘counts, Burning Flipside 2022 happened! Want to see more of the actual ‘counts? Check out the Public Information Report for all sorts of info from population to parking, from issues to art! 

Gearing up!

This year we return to a familiar schedule! We kick off the public participant portion with a purposeful party! (Just kidding – this is super serious!)

Fall Town Hall (hosted by our wonderful Combustion Chamber) kicks off the season! Come out to Lloyd the warehouse on Sept 24. 

We (you!!!) will select a theme for the 2023 event and chat about a number of other things relevant to the upcoming event year! 

As always, the event starts at 2:34 PM, with tailgating/setup starting at noon. 

The Town Hall agenda will be finalized, with details published to burningflipside.com before the event.

Get involved!

Speaking of gearing up, how do you want to get involved? One way is the Combustion Chamber

You don’t have to be a member (though there are upcoming opportunities to do so) to participate! The CC holds meetings every other Monday, and all are welcome. Some topics will be of more interest to the general Flipside public than others, but you are welcome to come see how the veggie chorizo gets made. Upcoming topics include:

  • Sep 19 — Town Hall planning; Extending the Reach of the CC 
  • Oct 03 — Town Hall Wrap-up
  • Oct 17 — Sound Policy
  • Nov 14 — Minors Policy
  • Dec 12 — What is a Theme Camp; Temples at Burning Flipside

That’s all for now, folks. Keep an eye out mid-month for the Flipside Flame (community info) and early next month for the next Flipside Announce for important event/org/updates.  

Love and flames,
Your content Content Team

Burning Flipside 2022: The Sacred and the Propane: Public Information Report

Burning Flipside 2022 ran from Thursday, May 26 to Monday, May 30. This was the 22nd edition of Burning Flipside, after skipping 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our theme and our effigy this year carried over from 2020. The explanation of the theme, given in our 2020 Survival Guide (which was produced and mailed in mid-March 2020, right around lockdown), is as follows:

From the dusty corners of the liberal arts, Sacred and Propane is a French sociological theory-based pun on the “sacred-profane” dichotomy. By this theory, the rites and beliefs held sacred by communities are defined by their counterpoint to mundane drudgery, and the way the sacred is created and celebrated by communal action that transcends the individual.

How many of us have enjoyed spiritual experiences as a part of this community and the art and spaces we build and burn collectively? This thing we do at Flipside is special, in part, because it exists outside of the default world. And there is no way it works unless we all hold it sacred and do it together.

Math rules the universe. This year, may you be inspired to build monuments not only to the beautiful logic of sacred geometry, but also to the ephemeral, chaotic intuition of community, and the wild transcendence of fire.

Abbreviated Timeline

Although the USA loosened some pandemic precautions in the summer of 2021, many of Flipside’s normal milestones were completely omitted or delayed.

To minimize the potential for Covid-related surprises, the ticket-request window, which is normally three weeks in January, was delayed until mid-February, and ran for only two weeks. The pause between the end of the ticket-request window and the day when requests are processed was also shortened. This left a compressed timeframe for participants to register theme camps and art projects.

In addition to working within this compressed timeframe, Flipside’s organization, which had settled into a rhythm of planning milestones throughout the year before the pandemic, worked to recover its muscle memory for event planning after two years of disuse.

Tickets & Attendance

In 2022, approximately 2300 tickets were sold and 2103 were used, for a no-show rate of 8.7%. This is higher than the last several event-years, in which it averaged about 4%. There was some number of people who opted not to go at the last minute due to positive Covid tests.

Ticket demand at the time of our ticket-request window was slightly less than 2000 tickets. The low ticket demand meant that the organization was fairly loose with additional sales afterwards. If demand bounces back next year, tickets will likely be harder to obtain outside of the normal ticket-request process.



Intense rain in the early hours of Wednesday morning right before Flipside raised concerns, but weather during the event itself was fairly mild, with afternoons getting into the mid 90s, overnight lows in the 60s, and tolerable humidity. Water was very low in the San Gabriel River. Strong winds on Sunday raised concerns about being able to burn the effigy, but there was a window during which winds were low enough for a responsible burn.


There was one ambulance transport during the event. The relatively mild weather no doubt contributed to this low number. There was one known medical transport in a privately owned vehicle.


There were no external sound complaints. There was considerable internal debate caused by a sound cart.


There were no ejections this year. As always, if you experienced or witnessed a problematic interaction, check out the Interpersonal Incident FAQ to see how the organization can respond.


There were two small unplanned fires that were quickly dealt with by the Pyropolis Fire Department.


There were two attempts at entry by unticketed people. These were both intercepted and turned away quickly.


In addition to the effigy, there were three burnable-art pieces: the Temple de Alegria, the world’s-highest effigy burn by Blue Space Virgins/PastaX, and the Wee Burn, which for the first time was a miniature representation of the effigy itself.

There were a total of 57 placed art projects on the map, and 32 registered art cars.

Ignition Philter

Although ticket money is not used to fund art projects at Burning Flipside, there have been a number of independent art-granting bodies associated with Flipside over the years, with the current one being Ignition Philter. Participants have the option of sending a contribution to Ignition Philter along with their ticket request. This year, Ignition Philter raised $6277 from these contributions, and made grants to 14 projects at Flipside.

Theme Camps & City Planning

There were 111 registered theme camps on the map, plus an unknown number of informal camps in the Badlands. Due to the reduced population, the section of the property known as “the corral” was closed this year. There was still plenty of space.


Participants leaving their cars in the event space rather than in the parking lot continued to be a problem. To discourage this, the organization tagged many cars for towing, towed four, and booted one.

Work Weekends & Site Prep

In normal years, we schedule four work weekends. This year, we scheduled five, in case the land needed more work after a long absence. It turned out that the Omicron variant surge and weather forced us to cancel the first two work weekends, but the land was still in pretty good shape, so it was ready for the event in time. A lot of new folks participated in work weekends, and they were enthusiastic about seeing the land transform for the event.


Load-in, the Saturday before Flipside when we ship all the event’s infrastructure out to the event site, had a good turnout this year.

As in 2019, we rented two trucks the day beforehand to move some of the effigy pieces to the land in advance. This helped load-in day go much more smoothly. Trucks were hard to come by on load-in day though, and some of the trucks we rented were smaller than usual—16’ rather than 26’.


Exodus went remarkably smoothly this year, with everyone who should be off-site by the official close of the event actually being off-site.

Restoration & Load-out

The Saturday post event is when we return our infrastructure to storage and conduct a last round of Leave No Trace cleanup. This consists of a crew on the land to load trucks and perform line sweeps, and a crew at the warehouse to unload trucks. There was a great turnout at the warehouse, which was able to unload each truck quickly and then wait around for the next truck to arrive. The turnout at the event site was able to load the trucks efficiently. LNT operations may have been lightly staffed, but the land seems to have been left in good shape. Work on-site wrapped up by the early afternoon.

Other Events

Church Nights, Art Nights, and in-person Combustion Chamber meetings were cancelled for most of the year leading up to Flipside, resuming in early March when Austin reached “stage 2” according to Austin Public Health.

Fall Town Hall was cancelled, and Spring Town Hall, normally in early February, was delayed until late April.

As with Flipside, Safetyside was again an in-person event after a two-year hiatus during which it was held as a Zoom conference. Attendance was roughly 120 people, down somewhat from previous in-person events.

New Problems

Vendors and vendor pricing were a problem in 2022 in ways they had not been before. We frequently found that major vendors had raised their prices by 60% or more. Some vendors that had been reliable sources of equipment were unable to supply all our needs due to other customers monopolizing their resources. Rented equipment was more often in poor condition. In some cases, these price increases motivated us to find new vendors, or will motivate us to do so in the future.

Perhaps surprisingly, Flipside was relatively unaffected by the dramatic rise in lumber costs, simply because much of the wood for the effigy had been bought before the pandemic.

Event insurance is always problematic but was especially so in 2022, as some major event insurers will no longer consider issuing policies to Flipside or any burn event at any price. In the end we obtained a policy at a reasonable price, but this will be a concern for future events.

Just get back? Just get tested!




We wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for coming out and to welcome you back to the default world where reality has hit most of us like a wet fish across the face. (Pro Tip: Salsa is your friend and pho ain’t bad either.)

This is a loving reminder that you were a part of a very big event with a lot of incredible people you haven’t been exposed to in a medical, and possibly even biblical way in a long while. As such, getting tested for COVID is likely a good idea so you don’t go bringing it home and/or spreading it around to your other loved ones.

The country, our state, and all nearby counties are seeing an increase in community spread and so it should come as no surprise that a very small number of our volunteers have already tested positive for that nasty bug upon their return.

Here’s what we suggest:

  1. Testing is sexy. Do it right meow even if you feel ok. A home test is fine. Why not know for sure?

  2. Test again in 2-5 days as that bugger likes to sometimes take a minute to show its face. Then, if you start to experience any weird symptoms, test again. As a reminder, we have Load Out for the land coming up, so if you’re volunteering it’s a super good idea to test before you go.

  3. Need a test? Here are community resources to get some free stuff.

Free testing resources:

Get some free home tests here:

That’s it! Painless, right? Look, we’re not your mom or anything, but we want to be sure you’re safe and happy and we get to see your face again come next Flipside. A quick swab up your nose and 15 minutes or so of questioning your life choices seem like a fair trade for that, right? Right. More to come soon

Big love,

AAR, AFs, Leads, Volunteers, and everyone who helps make it go!

Weather Warnings and Camping Cautions

Greetings Flipside-bound Burners,

It’s nearly time! We hope you’re as excited as we are.

As you may know, the weather has been…interesting and we have a couple of words of caution for you all as the land is wet and getting a bit wetter in the next couple of days.

Monday – Wednesday:

  • If it’s actively raining, many of the roads to and on land quickly become dangerous. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Turn around.
  • Pay attention to weather reports and emergency broadcasts before heading out. Isolated severe weather is forecasted through Wednesday night.
  • The land will be slow to dry out. Be cautious if pulling off the road.
  • Be prepared. Theme camp RVs might be relegated to RV parking due to ground conditions.

Thursday – Monday:

  • GOOD NEWS! Right now the weather looks amazing starting Thursday!
  • Wouldn’t hurt to shoot to arrive later in the day to allow for more drying.
  • Remember your ID, and valid proof of vaccination so you can get in
  • details at: https://www.burningflipside.com/2022-covid-policy
  • Please be patient with your fellow burners. Soggy land makes for slow unloading.
  • Bring your booties and other wet stuff gear. The land will dry slowly.
  • Be prepared. Theme camp RVs could be relegated to RV parking due to ground conditions.
  • Keep an eye on weather forecasts in case something changes. This is Texas, after all.

Basically, just everyone stay the hell safe. There is no rush to get to Flipside. It’ll be there when you get there and hugs will be waiting.

Keep those bums dry,

Flipside Action Weather Team