Chilly Reminder Announce!

There’s a lot going on and some of you are still thawing out from Freezerburn.  So here are some reminders for important Flipside things.

Ticket Window Closes Jan 27th: Yeah folks, that’s this coming Monday.  Go here to learn the details.  Credit cards are accepted this year for a slightly higher price, but you don’t need to mail anything in with that method.  Decorated envelopes for the hell of it are still appreciated!  If you got an error message or something weird happened, first check the FAQ before contacting us.

Ignition Philter Art Grants Closes Jan 27th: Yep, Monday is a double-whammy.  If you want financial help with your Burning Flipside art project, get started here.

STicket Art Submissions Needed:The form for 2025 is available, so please send us artwork for this year’s ticket and sticker.  A pair of free tickets go to each format’s winner.  Deadline is March 28!

“Sprinter” Town Hall is February 1: It’s winter, but our new schedule forced up the Spring Town Hall, so now we have Sprinter.  Come to the wherehaus to meet volunteers, ask event questions, make friends, and collaborate on ideas for the burn!  The Facebook event has more info.

Spring Art Show is February 22: The first art show of the year!  What is A.R.T.?  Read all about it in the Facebook event.

Safetyside 2025: Hopefully all you safety-minded folks saved the date (March 21-23) because our annual training event is ready!  Follow the Facebook event here and RSVP by March 19 here.

January Announce: TICKETS! DaFT Schedule And MORE!

TICKETS: Ready? Set. GO!!! Time to register for your Flipside tickets! As you may remember from December’s announcement, ticket registration/request/purchase starts MONDAY! January 6th. Register and send in your money order (or card info) NO LATER THAN January 27th! Tickets ordered through the regular money order/mailbox method are $175 for adults/kids 14 and up, $40 for kids ages 7-13, and free under age 7. This year, the org is trying something new! You can make a purchase by credit card – the cost is higher to account for tax and processing: $197 for over 13, and $47 for age 7-13 (still free through age 6). Find more information and the link to registration, here:

Remember to add a little bit (or a lot!) extra to support Ignition Philter art grants!

Want a Cool Ticket & Sticker? Submit Your Art! We need submissions for the STicket contest so we have awesome memorabilia from the first early Flipside ever. Winners get the only free tickets we give away! Deadline is March 28. Go here for info:


ART FUN-ding: We’re about to be deep in it (the art of Texas that is)! And Ignition Philter Funds Art is ready to help bring that art with art grants for 2025; we can’t do it without your help! Want to help us judge the art grant submissions? Are you available the afternoon of February 16th? Apply for the jury by January 12th

Have art you want to bring but don’t have all of the funds? Apply for grants between January 6th to January 27th at

*Also remember that this is only possible thanks to viewers like you, so please don’t forget to add that additional donation when you buy your flipside ticket! More donations = more art!

DaFT WANTS YOU! What is DaFT? The Design and Fabrication Team of Burning Flipside, working on the very heART of the event, the effigy. Looking for experienced builders and complete newbies alike- you’ll get hands on training through the season. Only have a little time and can’t commit to every work day? No problem at all! Come as often as you’re able, hop in, and make magic happen. DaFT Kick-Off – January 30th, 7pm; Weekly – Sundays: 12-6pm; Wednesdays: 7-11pm; Thursdays: 7-11pm

Can’t make the kick off, have questions, want to be kept in the loop, etc? Reach out to

SITE PREP – the FIRST STEP! (or 2nd or 3rd, depending on what vol teams you are participating in!) Worried about branches in your camp? Wanna help make the site work for everyone? Work Weekend One is scheduled for February 21-23. Come for the day or the weekend! The event starts Friday, no earlier than 6p and runs until Sunday at 3pm. Log in and sign up for shifts! Let us know to expect you!

Site Prep will provide necessary tools but if you have anything you prefer to use, please bring it. If you have any sort of flatbed trailer, we can always use those. Tasks to be done are still TBD, as determined by land conditions.

Future Work Weekends are March 21-23 and April 4-6th. To get on the Work Weekend mailing list please contact the Site Prep AF at

Work Weekend Communications Lead Site Prep is looking for a Work Weekend Communications Lead. This is a great low-stress introduction to the bigger world of Burning Flipside. This person is responsible for managing the Work Weekend e-mail list and sending out the pre-event notifications. All the lead work is pretty much done pre-event! Looking for a great way to volunteer – contact the Site Prep AF at for more information.


CC Meeting Jan 27, 7:40 pm, Online,  The community topic is Theme Camp Accountability. Link will be published on the Burning Flipside calendar closer to the meeting.

“Spring” Town Hall Feb 1, 12:00 – 5:00, at Lloyd the Warehouse,  Set up and tailgating at noon! Talking at 2:34. Preview the effigy! Talk to Vol Leads! Schmooze! Have fun and help clean up. This is a leave-no-trace event.

Spring Art Show February 22, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. at Lloyd, Come, play, and pARTicipate! This event is for ALL AGES. Check out the details on our calendar page: Have questions? Email or

SafetySide Save-the Date! March 21-23 Apache Pass, accross the river from Burning Flipside. SafetySide is a free, annual weekend campout and conference devoted to training and sharing experience and knowledge for safety-focused volunteers at Burning Flipside. Stay tuned for the official RSVP link! In the meantime, join the Facebook group:

A NOTE FROM THE BOARD(S): farewell and thanks! (for all the fish?)

On December 31, 2024, AUSTIN ARTISTIC RECONSTRUCTION, LLC (“AAR”) terminated as a solvent entity.  This termination is a planned step in the Organization’s transition to CATALYST COLLECTIVE, the nonprofit entity that assumed operational control of Burning Flipside in 2022.

AAR existed as a corporate entity for 8,730 days thanks to the dedication, competence, hard work and wisdom provided by past Board members, Area Facilitators, Leads and Volunteers and the thousands of tickets purchased by the Community.

After AAR’s establishment on February 5, 2001, the entity grew, faced challenges and thrived as Burning Flipside’s attendance grew from 500 to 2,500, the operating budget grew to $400,000.00, art projects grew in number and scale and large financial reserves were created.

Those reserves, and the generosity of ticket holders that did not request refunds in 2020, were critical for AAR’s survival during COVID and the two years without a Burning Flipside Event. That hiatus created the situation where the calendar year is equal to the number of Burning Flipside events held.

Thanks to all who supported AUSTIN ARTISTIC RECONSTRUCTION throughout the years.

on behalf of AAR, LLC and Catalyst Collective,

Cooper Crouse

(Find more about the history of the event at

SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW Don’t miss any fabulous social gatherings, events, classes and art nights! Visit to check out the happenings or use the link to subscribe to the calendar. Never miss a thing! Follow us on BlueSky at:

Wishing you all a creative, connected, adventurous New Year!

Izzi, Content

(UPDATE) Christmas Church Night Cancelled

Howdy, everyone. We hope you are all far too busy with loved ones to worry about this, but Church Night this week on 12/25 won’t be happening. Be well, be merry, and make some good wishes for New Year’s. Since that is also on a Wednesday, watch this space and our social media for an update if that gets cancelled.

UPDATED 12/30/2024

Church Night for Wednesday, January 1, 2025 is still on! Come by to say hi and share stories from the old year.

November Announce: Date Change, Volunteering, Events, and More

Tan circle with dark brown trim. In the middle is an old fashioned microphone with the words "Burning Flipside Broadcast System" around the top edge

Howdy Flipolians!

THE MOST IMPORTANT DATE INFO: This month’s Announce features some of the biggest news we’ve had in a while. (Many of) you spoke. The org listened. Based on broad feedback from participants (including safety volunteers), and much pondering of possible dates to consider (with conflicts for any one), Burning Flipside 2025 will be moving…in time, not space. Mark your calendars and make your preparations for APRIL 24-28, 2025. Load-In to our temporary township will be April 19 and Load-Out to the default world will be May 3.

EXCITED ABOUT THE NEW DATE? PARTICIPATE! Flipside runs on lots of things, but our most precious resource is your time and effort. Below are some of the open volunteer positions we need to fill, and YOU might be perfect for one. Art needs wranglers for our creatives, Safety needs someone (likely several someones) to hold perimeter, and here are some more specific needs:

  • Area Facilitator (AF) for 360/24/7: coordinates with volunteers who help keep our warehouse (Lloyd) and the gear in it organized and ready for the next event.
  • Lieutenant (LT) AF for Communications: helps the Comms AF organize and develop processes for social media, email outreach, and website updates; steps in when the AF is unavailable.
  • Edjumication Lead: recently moved to Comms, this lead helps newbies and old skoolers alike understand our community principles before and during the event.
  • Site Operations (Site Ops) mega-list:
    • Cartelle LT – helps the (living abroad) Cartelle Lead build and lead a small team to manage/receive/clean volunteer golf carts, work with Flipside leads to determine cart needs, and help manage volunteer shift changes. Requires early entry and late stay arrangements.
    • Pre-Ops LT – helps the (living abroad) Pre-Ops Lead coordinate with the Transpo Lead for City Load-In (April 19), build and lead a team to set up city infrastructure (shade, etc.) onsite, and bring it all back for Load-Out (May 3). May require early entry and late stay arrangements.
    • Fuel LT – helps the Fuel Lead to ensure smooth delivery of gasoline and diesel to city infrastructure as needed. Get dirty! Drive a flammable cart! Early entry and late stay are helpful.
    • Site Lighting LT – (was Safety Lighting) build and lead a small team to set up and tear down all infrastructure site lighting in the city. Work with the Power team to ensure lighting is powered. Requires early entry and late stay arrangements.
    • Power Lead – build and lead a small team to set up and maintain all power requirements in the city. Work with the vendor, Flipside board, and leads to determine power needs. Experience with event power is very helpful. Requires early entry and late stay arrangements.

MORE FROM SITE OPS: Site Ops will learn ya that there is no “they,” only “us.” Requires early entry and late stay arrangements means we would like to have your body or a body that you arrange as your replacement to be on site and working the days before Flipside and the day after. Everyone who is on site for early and late needs to be approved by the Site Ops AF. If you’re interested in seeing the guts of Flipside and want to get your hands dirty building the city, keeping it running, and taking it apart, talk to Bossy Spice, the Site Ops AF, at, or talk to Poolboy, the Site Ops AF LT at

SEEKING COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE AGENT: We’re always on the hunt for cool locations, especially those that are more physically accessible. Email the board for more information:

Burning Flipside Effigy examples by DaFT. Photo by Charles Hueter.
Burning Flipside Effigy examples by DaFT. Photo by Charles Hueter.

DaFT SELECTION COMMITTEE REMINDER: The DaFT Selection Committee would like to remind you that the deadline to submit your effigy proposal is the day after Thanksgiving this year (11:59pm CST on November 29). If you have any questions or are looking for any assistance, be sure to reach out as soon as possible. The deadline is very firm this year, so if you have any questions or need any feedback be sure to reach out as soon as possible!

We look forward to seeing your submissions!

VERY IMPORTANT ART FUNDING INFO: Do you love art? Do you believe Flipside wouldn’t be the event you love without art? Wanna help there be more art at Flipside? Then Ignition Philter (the 501(c)(3) that funds art for Flipside and more) wants you!

What we’re seeking: people who are passionate about helping artists create their dreams, and do so in a fiscally secure and transparent way. This is an unpaid position. Between now and November 17th learn more and let us know that you’re interested by applying here:

COMBUSTION CHAMBER SEEKS NEW MEMBERS: Are you passionate about Flipside, its community, and its principles? Do you enjoy listening to/discussing/debating the finer points of Community with your friends/camp mates/fellow burners? Are your ears open to what the community is saying about Flipside? Would you enjoy talking about crucial matters in this community throughout the year? Do you know someone else who fits this description? The Combustion Chamber is seeking new members. If you are interested in joining or know someone who should, please take a brief moment to submit your application or a nomination at

The Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber (CC) is a set of eyes and ears for the community. Do you have a concern? Wonder why something happens the way it does? If we don’t know, we’ll find out or at least point you to the person who can answer your question. We also act as a sounding board for the event organizers (aka the Catalyst Collective board). The CC typically meets every third Monday evening for approximately one to two hours, at Lloyd the warehouse. Visit the CC page at for more info.

Combustion Chamber membership is not limited specifically to those that live in the Austin area, but members do need to attend meetings regularly in person. If you’re in another city, but down for a monthly road trip, feel free to apply. We welcome the participation of all Flipizens. Our next meeting is Monday, November 18, 7:42pm, at Lloyd the Burning Flipside Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin TX.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Participate year-round (website calendar, Facebook, and Twitter)

SPECIAL XMAS EVENT: BURNMAS BASH. We invite you to join us on December 6 at 7pm for a unique celebration of all winter holidays as we break bread, dance, play, and create new memories with the extended family we’ve chosen! Our very own Cowboy kitchen Chef Wally is providing our main course for the feast!!!

We want you to share your traditions, games, art and ideas with us. This is an event for the community, by the community and we need your help with: sides, desserts, art, borrowed holiday deco, ideas, themed performances, DJs, music, volunteers for set up, tear down, and help leading party logistics. Yeah, come help!

Please contact Tamara or Foxtrot and go here to learn more:

PARTICIPATE IN YOUR COMMUNITY! If you haven’t yet, get out there and VOTE!!! Can’t find your id? Visit to learn what you can do and still vote! Participation: it’s not just for burns.

October Meg-a-nnounce!

There’s a lot in here, so grab a cuppa, sit back and have a read…

Burning Flipside Ticket Window: January 6-27, 2025
Our Burning Flipside ticket purchase window has been declared! Learn more,  watch for updates, and be prepared! More info at

We Have a Theme! (and other Town Hall Awesomeness)
Fall Town Hall has come and gone, and while I wasn’t able to stay, it was by all reports an excellent day! Thank you to everyone who presented a theme! The final answer is…..”Deep in the Art of Texas!”
Extra thanks to the ASL interpreter who opened up Town Hall to more people, (we want to do this more often and need volunteers), and to the VDRs who helped people check their voter registration status and registered people on site. Three cheers for all the help with community chores!

The DaFT Selection Committee (DSC) Wants You(r Proposals)!!!
Our theme has been decided and we are well on our way to creating Burning Flipside 2025! Now we need our effigy designers to step up and bring us their amazing effigy proposals.  Here are the basics:

Ask the DSC! Wednesday, October 9th at 8:00pm Learn more and get advice from our DaFT Selection Committee. This committee, comprising several former DaFT leads, and convened to help select the effigy each year, is hosting an event to answer all of your DaFT questions. Come share your inspiration and get advice on how to make your proposal the best it can be! Here it is on that social thing we can’t seem to quit: Here it is on that social thing we can’t seem to quit.

Reach the DSC Are you full of great ideas but have never built or designed an effigy before? Email the DSC at  Read through the guidelines first to get a good handle on expectations. Reach out as early as possible. You are encouraged to utilize this resource!

Deadline for DaFT Proposals, November 29, 11:59pm CST. Submit your proposals by 11:59 the day after Thanksgiving to help provide the DSC time to review, offer guidance, and select final proposals.

Informative Links:

Support the Org that supports our Art! After Town Hall, Ignition Philter hosted an amazing fundraiser, featuring big art, small art, amazing food and beverages, a silent auction, performances, DJs, and a costume shop! Didn’t make it but still want to support more art at Flipside? You can donate any time at

Fall Art Show at Lloyd Sunday, Nov. 3, 2:00 p.m. Make art and save the date! Find more info on this amazing art show, “Museum of Civilization” and art nights devoted to it (and much more!) on our Warehouse Calendar at You can even download it to your own calendar so you don’t miss a thing! You can find it on social if that’s your bag.


Save the Date: Burning Man Community Town Hall, Austin – Saturday, Oct 19th I 11AM-1PM Burning Man curious? Save the date! Marian Goodell, Burning Man Project Co-Founder & CEO will be in Austin on October 19th for community conversation about the future of the Burning Man Project and how your participation fuels meaningful change and contributes to a more connected, creative, and thriving society. Want to go to the Big Burn for the first time? Come out and talk to veterans and artists that are heading out to the playa in 2025 and get your questions answered! This event will be hosted at Lloyd the Warehouse 3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin, TX. Please RSVP here:

Visit the Houston Temple – now through November 9. The Orange Show and sculptor David Best, known to many of you through his amazing temples at Burning Man, has brought this special experience to Houston, along with his team and a Texas temple crew. Special programming Thursdays, culminating on November 9, 2024. For more information and reservations, visit and while you’re there, check out the rest of the Orange Show’s offerings!

Fall Town Hall, a Fundraiser, and Art Aplenty

It’s September, and you know what that means! A hearty welcome back to our dusty friends, a new Announce, and a launch of the 2025 Burning Flipside season! Check out the upcoming fun at Lloyd the Warehouse (and familiarize yourself with use of the space)!

FALL TOWN HALL (hosted by the Combustion Chamber)
Saturday, Sept 28, tailgating noon, presentations 2:34 pm 

Come out to Lloyd the Warehouse to catch up on the latest news, catch up with friends, bubble with enthusiasm, and vote on the theme for Burning Flipside2025! Tailgating and set up start at noon. Come in costume, bring things to share! Remember, Lloyd is a leave-no-trace space. Pack out what you bring. There are no trashcans.

Before we can vote on a theme, we have to have some themes to vote on! SUBMIT YOUR THEME suggestions here – log in required. There’s probably some sort of deadline. Promote your themes AND entertain the masses with your fun, fancy, or familiar theme presentation at Town Hall!

Sept 28, 8:00 pm to midnight

After Town Hall, (and helping reset the space), come back at 8:00 to celebrate a night of art, music and treats and help Ignition Philter fund artist grants for Flipside 2025! To volunteer, contribute auction items, etc., please reach out  to More event details at


FE101 – Building a Boosh Class with Tim Deagan
Wednesday, Sept 25, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Did you see the fire garden at Flipside? Do you have a burning need to make FIRE! Want a sweet boosh in your theme camp, or yard, or mutant vehicle? Come join an open-to-all free class that introduces and demonstrates the basic principles and construction techniques for a basic boosh (aka flame effect, poofer, flame cannon, etc.)

Car Cover Quilt Making Wednesday October 2, 8:00 pm to 10:00pm

Sometimes folks camp in their cars at a burn. That doesn’t mean we want the city to look like a parking lot! Come make quilts to cover up those cars at Flipside, for yourself or to gift! The idea is to make scrap quilt tops or panels that can easily attach to cars with magnets to decorate camps with more art!

Paint on Reused Canvas Wednesday, Sept 28, 8:00 pm to 10:00pm

We have a small stack of donated canvases and some paints and brushes but feel free to bring your own (to share or not)! Come on out and remake some art!

Fall 2024 Art Show: Museum of Civilization! Sunday, Nov. 3, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Bring your art! It’s a show and tell with your burner besties and we’d all love to see what you’ve been doing. Does your art have to match the theme? Absolutely not, just BRING IT! Register your art at to build up the excitement (and let us know what to expect!) Do you have to bring something? Nope – art appreciation is also very important! Come play, and pARTicipate!

You can also RSVP and keep up to date on all the things on the Facebook Event.

Notes from the Combustion Chamber

The virtual August Combustion Chamber (CC) meeting was the most active and well-attended we’ve seen in a while! Thank you to everyone who participated and tried to join in! Apologies for the meeting size limitation – we will work on our tech before the next online meeting! The topic and delivery method both seemed to play into it. There was substantial community and operational support for moving Burning Flipside to an earlier date, and much discussion as to why (and some why not).

While the CC is not where final decisions get made, it is a crucial pipeline for the community to share thoughts. The board and operations teams are factoring your feedback into next steps. Stay tuned for more info!

Do you care about how the city gets made? Are you volunteer-curious? Join in on the next CC meeting, in person on Wednesday, September 18th (Church Night) at Lloyd to give thoughts and feedback on volunteering. Got a hot topic you’d like to bring to the community? Email and let us know. 

Shameless Plug for Content

Content wants your content! Got features you’d like to see in our community newsletter?  Got a burning question for Ste. Michelle? Want to help make these posts pretty? Give me a shout at and let me know how you want to help!

August Flammounce – Wrapping Up and Gearing Up!!!

MOVING FLIPSIDE IN TIME – Community Participation Needed! The Combustion Chamber has an upcoming discussion regarding Burning Flipside and Climate Change (including potentially rescheduling the event), and Fall Town Hall planning! This meeting will be virtual, and will be on MONDAY, AUGUST 19, online!

Please Note: A decision will not be made during the meeting itself, but with a potential event change this big, we need as much community feedback as possible. 


When: August 19th at 7:40 pm.

Can’t make the meeting? Submit advance commentary here.  (Select “I know who I want to contact” and choose Combustion Chamber” from the dropdown menu).

Got a Burning Topic for Community Consideration?

First – check our upcoming topics:

September 18 – Special Church Night Meeting! Topics:Town Hall walk-through; How are YOU participating? (Community Input on a volunteer reframe)

October 21 – Town Hall Afterburn; Community Input for Disinfo; Community Input for Content

November 18 – Camp Accountability 

December 17 – Spring Town Hall Planning; Spring CC Calendaring

GOT OTHER HOT TOPICS for community input? PLEASE submit your topic to the CC for consideration before our Calendaring meeting in December! If the topic is HOT ENOUGH, we may squeeze it in before then, but keep in mind, we want to give the community enough time to plan to participate if they want to.

2024 WRAP UP

Sticket Winners! We neglected to mention it at the time, but two amazing participants WON the contest (and won the only free tickets to Burning Flipside)! Jake-a-lope won with an amazing ticket design; Alyssa Vallecorso with a badass sticker design.

Where is your sticker now? Please send pics here! (These pics may be used in future publications by Burning Flipside)

Gate count:  For 2024, the Catalyst Collective sold 2,490 tickets and 2,368 participants attended Burning Flipside: Cosmic Critter Carnival. 

Placement: We had 129 registered Theme Camps and 76 placed Art Pieces! And many more that people just brought, for the art of it, with or without registration!


Area Facilitators Needed! The operational side of Burning Flipside has an extensive volunteer organization, with ten Areas subdivided into Departments. Areas are led by Area Facilitators (AFs), and departments are led by Leads. What do area facilitators do? They support leads in their positions. They meet approximately monthly with the Catalyst Collective to talk about big picture operational stuff. The following areas are seeking new facilitators:

360/24/7 covers departments that serve Burning Flipside and the Burning Flipside community outside of the event. This includes the Warehouse, Equipment Librarian, and Edjumication.

City Planning: Every year we create a temporary city in the middle of nowhere. City Planning is the team of people who, with input from other participants, design it and help bring it into existence. Departments include Cartography, City Signage, Flagging, Placement, and Theme Camp Liaison. 

Read more about our operations team and how you can participate here.

Town Hall – Fall Town Hall is usually in late September.  The CC meeting on August 19 will firm up the schedule, so watch for news in a few weeks to save the date. 

Shameless Plug for Content! Got something you want to highlight here? Got a question to ask Mx. Flipside? Want to help compile this newsletter? Please let me know here.  (Select “I know who I want to contact” and choose Combustion Chamber” from the dropdown menu)

Multimedia Consent Reminder

Success! Texas tried to burn us, but we were just too hot already.

2024 Burning Flipside: Cosmic Critter Carnival
Effigy photo by Charles Hueter
2024 Burning Flipside: Cosmic Critter Carnival Effigy photo by Charles Hueter

We know some of you took hot hot photos of the event, but please take extra care in posting and sharing them. Remember consent applies in this area as well. If someone is identifiable in a photo, video, or audio clip and you didn’t get permission to record them, do not post. Please respect take down, “blur my face,” and similar requests.

(And yes, I screamed into the effigy’s void for permission to take this one.)

Mid-May Announce: Almost time to head out!

Survival Guide – a MUST READ publication! Did you know you assume all risk by attending Flipside? It ain’t Dizzy-knee world, you know. Have you read your survival guide? If not, please do it now!!! You can find it here: 

LOAD-IN NEEDS YOU! It’s May 18th! Do you know where your children….er…..your event infrastructures are? I do. They’re in the warehouse, waiting for you to help load them onto the trucks and into Flipside. Come on out tomorrow to help load some effigy and all that other stuff needed to make Flipside go. Many hands make for lighter loads! Being prepared: Bring sunscreen, gloves, water, snacks, and a good attitude. Load in begins at 10 am at the warehouse and 12:00 on site out at Apache Pass-tures.

Packing up for the event? Pack a radio! (and bring a spare!) A message from camp: K-FLiP, The Voice of Pyropolis asks that you bring a working FM Radio to FS!  Jambox or counter top, plug in or battery-powered, all are needed. Please bring suitable batteries. That way, folks in far off locations (Hello Parking!) can enjoy the great shows planned for this year. Radios can be dropped off anytime at the K-FLiP studios. And keep it locked to 100.5FM campers! ~Thank J. Radio

VOLUNTEERING –a great way to participate!

GATE I.T. Our gate staff is friendly and efficient at getting us through the fate and into the event. We LOVE our gate staff! What they are not is IT techs, and sometimes the machines go blip up there. Available to help fix the techy stuff?  You just need a solid understanding of PCs and basic networking, and to be at gate for opening each day you volunteer. There’s an easy how-to doc tshowing what needs to happen. Please contact

SHAVEN APES Can you he’p ‘em? Shaven Apes help folx who need it, specifically the sort of thing like moving a thing, getting a thing upright that’s not, basic physical labor and support.  Most of that help is needed Thursday and Monday.

MEDICAL Do you have medical training? Do you like a nice shady spot to be during the day? Volunteer for PETS (Pyropolis Emergency Team) for a shift or two! Want to help, but not medically trained? I hear they have concierge spots, too. You can help take care of the people who take care of the people.

And more! Zone Czar, Parking, Echelon, Guardians, Greeters, and Meteorology are also looking for some help. Haven’t secured a ticket? Some of these positions will open up a ticket sale. You can use the contact form: contact form to reach who you need!


Theme camps and artists have been working hard to make Flipside, well, Flipside! What are you bringing? What is everyone else bringing? Here is a little taste!

Events at the Event You can find the Official alphabetical listing here: Registered Events. Click on each event for hours. A participant has created this handy grid here!. There will also be kiosks throughout the event for us non-pre-planners and those who drop their plans the second they make it through greeters.

More about Theme Camps The map is great! But you can learn a little more about each camp,here: Registered Camps.

Ogle Some Art! Just kidding, don’t just be a looky-loo! Again, yay for maps so you know where the art starts! Here is where you can find a bit more about what you’re looking at/participating in! Regsitered Art