Flounce with Flam-ounce!

Burning Flipside is fast-approaching! And just like you, I got projects to do, so let’s jump right into the news. …there’s some important event specific info here, so this post is part Flame, part Announce: “Flam-ounce”!

Non-Profit Success! We did it! Thanks go out to the most recent board of Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC. While we were all hunkered down and starting re-emergence, they were hard at work, securing a new non-profit status (and new organization to run it) for our beloved community! Read more about it here!

Event Registration Are you holding an event at Flipside this year?  What’s that you say…your camp is inviting Flipizens to help demolish a fantastic Derby-themed feast or hosting a demolition derby of Derby hats, but no one knows yet? Do you have events listed in your theme camp description, but haven’t taken a minute to head over to the event page and get them added to the Events list?  Do it now, so you can focus on those last few projects! Event registration will close at 11:59pm on Friday, May 19th. Head on over to the Event Registration form, log in, and add your event to the growing list of goodness! See event lists at our 7 disinfo kiosks placed conveniently throughout Pyropolis.

DMV Registration: As long as we are registering things, let’s move on over to the Department of Mutant Vehicles and get those art cars registered! Same deadline and link as above.

Need a ride at Flipside? Do you sometimes miss out because you just can’t get from point A to point B? This year the org is trying something new! The Disinfo Kiosks will serve as event cart and art car stops we are calling Pick-Up Points (PUPS). There won’t be a regular schedule, but there will be a seat at most of the stops. Event carts and Art Cars STRONGLY encouraged to pick people up and drop them off.

Effigy Art: The Effigy needs art! The mushrooms are coming along great, but we need to finish out our sparkly disco wonderland with companions to accompany us on our forest floor adventures. Let’s populate the effigy with creatures, real, imaginary, or fae; mushrooms on mushrooms, ferns, dewdrops, spiderwebs; crystals and sea creatures, banks of moss, and tree stumps.  Email DaFT or come to a build day and chat! (Tues/Thurs 5-10, Sun 10-5). These pieces can be burned or can come back to the artist when the effigy closes; we will have power available for items with lights and whatnot, & there is space for both 2D and 3D art of a variety of sizes.

2023 Survival Guide: The new guide to keep you alive is here!  Read it, because it has great community art in the PDF and lots of important info about How Flipside Works.  You need to be ready when a Greeter asks you, “How many gallons of water per day did you bring?”

Volunteer round up! Watch this space for all volunteering info for our all-volunteer event! (There’ll be a whole post about it!)

Survival Guide 2023 is Live

Howdy! The 2023 Burning Flipside Survival Guide is live. Many, many thanks to all of you who decorated your ticket request envelopes and gave us permission to publish your work. Dive right into the super-cool PDF version here: https://burningflipside.com/sg

There is also a plainer-text version here: https://www.burningflipside.com/event/survival-guide

We do not mass-print Survival Guides any longer, so if you did not check the box in your ticket request for a printed copy, the above formats are what you get. Be sure to read up, Greeters will want you to know your stuff when you enter…

Registrations, Sign Ups, and Upcoming Events! 

Hello, Pyropolites, Pyropleans, and Flipizens,

It’s that time again – when the calendar turns over and we send out some info. So get out your laptop, your calendars and a frosty or hot beverage of choice, and get reading!

CALLING ALL ARTISTS! We really need your submissions for the sTicket contest- We have such a colorful theme and not enough ideas. Help design how our official tickets and stickers will look this year.Think about the awesome mark that would make in our community. Go to www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets/stickets-design for more info. Deadline is APRIL 17th!

ART EVENT Can’t wait to get your art on? Come on out to the art show: Unchosen Themes tomorrow (April 1, no kidding!) to Lloyd the Warehouse from 4-7 p.m. to appreciate community art inspired by themes unchosen from previous Flipsides!

ARTISTS AND ART-letic SUPPORTERS! Want to contribute to the Flipside Artscape?

  • HOW TO BRING ART TO FLIPSIDE (including Mutant Vehicles and Theme Camps): Planning on bringing art to Burning Flipside? If it is climbable, burnable, flame-effected, otherwise “dangerous”, or you just want to make sure it is on the official Burning Flipside map, you need to REGISTER IT! Is it a vehicle that doesn’t LOOK like a vehicle? Perhaps a mutant vehicle? REGISTER IT! Got a theme camp (a whole camp based on a theme is DEFINITELY art!)? REGISTER IT! Visit our registration page (secure.burningflipside.com/register/index.php) and follow the links from there (log in required). The deadline for Art and Theme Camp placement is APRIL 17th! The deadline for Mutant Vehicles and Flipside events is May 19th!
  • Not bringing a whole art piece? You, too, can get in on the fun! Visit burningflipside.com/art/art-projects-seeking-support and sign up to contribute your time, materials, funds, or even your smaller art to a larger piece!
  • IGNITION PHILTER SPRING PHUNDRAISER! Support the org that funds the art! Experience a night of art in central Austin from Flipside past and future! Dance the night away to community DJs! Enjoy snacks and libations! Bid on an item from the silent auction! Be amazed by performances. Bring a costume/leave a costume in a pre-flipside costume exchange! Learn more and get tickets at ignitionphilter.com/springphundraiser!

THE ART OF VOLUNTEERING! Did you know that Burning Flipside is an ALL-VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION?! That’s right! And All means YOU! Grab a friend and sign up for shifts at Ice, Greeters, Parking, Safety teams, and more. There’s something for everyone. Learn more at https://www.burningflipside.com/volunteer. Some departments have shifts ready for sign-up now (with more department shifts coming soon!) Log in and sign up at secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/index.php. Watch for a Volunteer Round Up message coming soon to an inbox near you!

Love and flames, ~Izzi B.

Burning Flipside and Texas Politics

All Citizens of Texas who attend Burning Flipside or similar events,

The Texas Legislature is considering many bills this session that would be damaging to members of our community and thus to the event. They are also considering several bills that could make it difficult, if not impossible to hold any burn event in Texas.

Among these bills are HB 643, HB 708, HB 1266, and SB 476. Each of these bills would require any business where someone performed “exhibiting a gender identity different from the performer’s birth (including by makeup or clothing) as sexually oriented businesses in the eyes of the law.”

This law is so onerous and so ill-conceived that it could impact not only burn events, but bars, dance clubs, and even community theatre.

For our participants who live in Texas and want to see burn events continue, we hope you’ll reach out to your state Representatives/Senators and attend committee hearings if you are able to register your opposition to these bills. Not only are they a danger to the event they are harmful to the community the event represents.

We are grateful for organizations like Equality Texas for their work in tracking legislation. You can visit Equality Texas‘ Legislative Bill Tracker to find out which bills to watch, and go to the Texas Legislature Online Bill Lookup page to look up the bills by number to read the text for yourself.

Note that Equality Texas also lists bills that support the LGBTQ+ community. Supportive bills don’t get as much love as they should. Please keep them in mind as you’re registering your opinions that you can also register in support of good bills.

Flipside FLAME! All About Art!

Hey friends! We finally have a flame, and this one’s All About Art! And a lot of art there is! It’s a long one, but we are about the art, so be patient, grab a hot or cold beverage of choice, kick back, and have a read…

Help Build the Canvas! Work Weekend Dates

The first (of several!) Flipside work weekend is coming THIS WEEKEND! Work weekends are where we prepare the land for Flipside. This includes clearing beaches and paths, removing dead tree limbs, laying roads, etc. These run from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon, and you are welcome to camp out overnight. Get in touch to volunteer.

  • Work Weekend 1: February 24th-26th
  • WW2: March 24th-26th
  • WW3: April 21st-23rd
  • WW4: May 12th-14th

Ignition Philter – Applications Open! Deadlines coming up quickly!

Ignition Philter’s 2023 season is officially open!  We gearing up and excited to help the artists make the art for this year’s Burning Flipside event Memorial Day weekend! Artist and Juror applications are NOW OPEN!

-Want money for art?  Fill out the application by March 5th! https://ignitionphilter.com/the-process/apply/
-Want to help decide which art gets funding?  Fill out the application by February 27th so that you can join us at the March 11th meeting.  https://ignitionphilter.com/the-process/be-a-juror/
Join us on in this Demolition Disco Derby of art!
Ignition Philter’s Spring Phundraiser will be April 22nd!  More info coming soon but put it on your calendar!  We’re looking for submissions for our silent auction, volunteers for the party, and want you to collect all those costumes you’re ready to pass on for our costume exchange! If you want to participate or have any additional questions feel free to email us at ignitionphilter@gmail.com

DaFT Build Days and more!

Spring is the best time of the year because the calendar has finally rolled back around to effigy build season! Have you ever wanted to be involved in a large-scale collaborative art project? DaFT (Design and Fabrication Team) is here for you and by you. No previous skills or building experience required- only the willingness to learn and work with others. DaFTing is an excellent way to pick up new skills and meet new people!

While this year’s mushroom design will involve the traditional hardware in lumber fabrication, there will also be opportunities for companion projects in the arts and crafts realm. We will be seeking to populate the effigy field with all sorts of natural forms to create a truly immersive experience for participants. Have a creature you want to bring to life? Great! Come on down and share your ideas!

Build days will be Sundays 10am-5pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-10pm. Come for as long as you like and leave whenever you need to at any point throughout the season. If you’d like more information and want to get connected, reach out to daft@burningflipside.com

Pyropolis Art Guild: Art Show at Lloyd Save The Date! April 1st

This year’s show honors all the proposed Burning Flipside event themes that never were. Art created can use any medium (understand you would be sharing your art at the warehouse). Need some inspiration? We’ll be sharing some fun past proposals from all previous year’s in a later post, but you can sign in and view last year’s proposed themes  here! More details coming soon on how to get involved!  If you are already inspired and ready to get to work, fill out the art show submission submission form!

Create Ticket and Sticker Art! Deadline April 17

Do you want to commemorate this year with a ticket made from a dull rectangle of black text on a white background?  How about a blank circle of emptiness as a sticker?  No?  Those don’t do enough justice to “Demolition Disco Derby”!?  Then we need your help, folks.  We need submissions for the STicket contest and the deadline is April 17.  Please go here, review the guidelines, and help us create two of the long-term keepsakes for Burning Flipside.  If you have questions, e-mail Lynx at stickets@burningflipside.com

Speaking of tickets…

Ticket Requests Processed (But you don’t have tickets yet)  

The Ticket Team processes the HECK out of your ticket requests last weekend.  Check your ticket request status here https://secure.burningflipside.com/tickets/index.php and click on Ticket Request to see if your ticket request was received.  If it still says pending, but you sent in a request, contact the ticket lead: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact

Due to something about sales tax and accountants and wanting more fireworks and porto potties, the tickets haven’t been pushed out yet.  Don’t panic.  Everything’s fine.  SOON!

Ste. Michelle


Know any art opportunities, community news, or juicy gossip? Let me know! (I’ll only savor the gossip, but the rest is potential for publishing!)

New Year, New Announce: All About Tickets and an Updated Covid Policy

Hey all you Gregorian calendar users out there! Happy new year! And to everyone, happy new ANNOUNCE! PAY ATTENTION! There’s some important stuff in here!


NOTICE: Before you start, you might want to familiarize yourself with Burning Flipside’s updated COVID policy. The Burning Flipside 2023 COVID-19 Policy will be enforced for all participants. Being unaware of our policies will not be a basis for a refund or an exception. More on this policy follows ticket info.

Want a ticket to Flipside? If you’ve been here before, you know we don’t have your average ticketing system! We have a multi-part process. It’s pretty simple though: Register, Mail a Money Order, and Wait! 

PLEASE NOTE: Make your money order or cashier’s check (NO PERSONAL CHECKS!) out to Burning Flipside this year. This is a change from previous years. Find more detailed details, the answers to your lingering FAQuestions, and a link to registration at www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets!  

In the meantime, here are some pointers from our very own Ste. Michelle!

No Personal Checks

Hi!  Ste. Michelle here, reminding you the easiest way to get a ticket is about to start; some key things to remember include:

Ticket Window Opens January 9

No Personal Checks

Hi!  Ste. Michelle here, reminding you the easiest way to get a ticket is about to start;  some key things to remember include:

  • No Personal Checks
  • Register Early, Register ONCE (per login)
  • No Personal Checks
  • Double check your MONEY ORDER (It should be made out to Burning Flipside)
  • No Personal Checks
  • Mail in your Registration BEFORE January 30th
  • No Personal Checks
  • If you wait until January 30th to mail in your registration:  Go to the post office and get it HAND CANCELED to ensure it’s postmarked correctly
  • No Personal Checks

 Ticket Window Closes January 30

Seriously, no personal checks. 

~Ste. Michelle

While you’re at it, have a heart! Have some fun! Entertain your postal-person, your ticket-team, and yourself! Decorate that envelope! It’s not required, but why wouldn’t you? If I can make a tiki doctor using the highlighters, post-it notes, and tape I had at the office on the last day, so can you! Or you can plan better than I did that year and go to your favorite art supply store today.

Enough of the frivolity. Time to get serious…


The COVID-19 Policy has changed since 2022; please read the entire policy at www.burningflipside.com/about/policies/2023-covid-policy

There will be two options for entry to Burning Flipside this year.

Option 1 – Proof of Vaccination

You can present proof of vaccination at gate. This proof must show that you are fully vaccinated as defined by the CDC.

Types of proof of vaccination that will be accepted:

A CDC Vaccine card. You must present your physical vaccine card at gate.

Two VaxYes verification cards. There will be one card for your original vaccination and a new one for your booster.

Other government-issued immunization records.

The name must match the ID presented at gate.

Option 2 – PCR Test Negative Result

You can present a negative result from a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test that was performed at most 72 hours before your arrival at Burning Flipside. AT-HOME TESTS ARE NOT SUFFICIENT! The name on the test must match the ID presented at gate. A mismatch in these two names will result in you not being admitted.

The full policy and answers to your FAQs can be found at Burning Flipside 2023 COVID-19 Policy.

Sorry for such seriousness, but seriously, it needed to be done! Now make sure those vaxes are up to date or plan to schedule that test, get your registrations in (STARTING MONDAY JANUARY 9), and see you out there, you crazy kids!

Much love,

Iz (your friendly and content content volunteer)

Ticket Window and Other Upcoming Events

Hi Flipsidians, potential, past, and future! Welcome to your December Announce Post!

As the community gears up for a variety of winter events, we here are ramping up Pyropolis prep! With that in mind, keep these dates in mind and in your calendar! (View and subscribe!)


DaFT Submission Deadline Rapidly Approaching! The DaFT deadline has been extended til December 15th. Find a call for proposals here. Info and links to application page included.

NOMINATE a lead! Do you know someone who would make an awesome organizer? Who can motivate a team to get things done? Who leads by example? Flipside runs entirely on volunteers (it’s a great way to participate!) and those volunteers need leads. Learn more about the volunteer/lead positions here and complete your nominations. Yes, Virginia, it’s kosher to nominate yourself!


Service Day at Lloyd THIS SATURDAY at 1:00 p.m. Come out to the warehouse and show Lloyd some love! Our beloved warehouse needs some care and cleaning – we need your help!

Combustion Chamber Meeting December 12th at 7:40 p.m. Topics of Discussion include “What is a Theme Camp” and “Temples at Flipside” along with the regular AAR, LLC, Area, and Community updates. Got any input or want to learn more? Join the Combustion Chamber at (you guessed it) Lloyd the Warehouse.

AND BEYOND (More details soon for the following events)

Tickets Tickets Tickets The 2023 ticket request window will be January 9-30.  Please visit https://www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets for all the gory details.  We also need hands to open all those envelopes, so please volunteer! Ticket prices have not changed ($151 for adults, $40 for kids age 7-13, and $0 for kids 6 and under [they do still need a ticket, though])

Tickets needs STickets Art Want to do something with the Demolition Disco Derby theme?  There’s gotta be something in that melange to exploit.  Ready to do something unique for the community?  Heck yeah, submit art to go on the 2023 ticket and sticker!  Go here to learn the details and get started.  Deadline for submissions is April 17, 2023.  The STicket Lead this year is Lynx, so mail stickets@burningflipside.com to reach him with all your questions.

“Spring” Town Hall February 4 at Lloyd the Warehouse. Learn more about the org, the event, volunteer opportunities, and art and theme camp registration.

Safetyside April 14-16 Volunteering for a Safety Team? Come get trained and cross-trained at Safetyside 2023. Details and sign-up TBD

Work Weekends Feb 24-26, March 24-26, April 21-23, May 12-14 Come help prep the land! Details and sign-up TBD

BURNING FLIPSIDE! May 25-29th  Cross your eyes and dot your Ts and follow the yellow brick road (and all the instructions in advance) – see you in the pecan grove!

Got an Effigy Idea? Burning Flipside Needs YOU!

The deadline to propose an effigy, the huge focal point on the main field, has been EXTENDED to December 15th!

What comes to mind when you hear “Demolition Disco Derby”? Is it White Leisure Suits? Construction Hats? Roller Derby? Something else? Can you put those ideas together in one piece that captures the very essence of the theme? Or perhaps your concept speaks to the theme subtly from the side! However you approach it, we want your brilliance to shine like a disco ball!

To learn more about effigies at Burning Flipside, visit www.burningflipside.com/event/effigy.

The deadline to get as much as you can submitted (as complete a proposal as you can muster) has been extended to December 15th, providing you a little extra design time and leaving the DSC some time to consider proposals and help guide prospective DaFT leads fill in any blanks on how you would make the thing go should your design be chosen.

Got an idea but need some help fleshing it out? Are you full of great ideas but never built or designed an effigy before? No problem! Reach out to our DaFT Selection Committee (a wonderful group of previous effigy builders, happy to share a brain and provide feedback as you design your art. Just email daft-proposal@lists.burningflipside.com.

For more info on how to create your proposal, and what the criteria are, visit www.burningflipside.com/event/effigy/proposal. Read up! There’s a lot of useful info, followed by the proposal outline!

Happy designing!

November Announce: Art and Volunteering!

Hey, y’all! It’s November. And you know what that means? It’s time to ramp up all the behind-the-scenes creating and volunteering! With that in mind, here are several leaping off points!

Effigy Design Proposal Time

We’re well on our way to building Burning Flipside 2023! Fall Town Hall has come and gone, we have a THEME (Demolition Disco Derby), and now we need our effigy designers to step up and propose their DaFT magic!

Make sure you read through the guidelines before you do anything else so you have a good handle on expectations.

Are you full of great ideas but never built or designed an effigy before? No problem! Our wonderful group of previous effigy builders are happy to share a brain and provide feedback as you design your art.

The deadline to have as much of your proposal as you can possibly gather ready and submitted is November 24th (Thanksgiving).

Send your questions and proposals to daft-proposal@lists.burningflipside.com,

Happy designing!

STicket Season Begins Soon

Sticker + Ticket = STicket!  Want to help define how Flipside 2023 will be remembered?  Create some art to beautify the ticket everyone gets. Or, create some art to just totally nail the theme home on the sticker that comes with the ticket. Or, submit art for both.  Just don’t sit there and NOT create something.

We will be announcing the selection process and timeframes soon.  While you ponder the deeper meanings of Demolition Disco Derby, read the submission guidelines here on details like size, color, and things per inch.

Ignition Philter – Fall Fundraiser moves to Spring

Ignition Philter here (your friendly non-profit that grants funds for Flipside artists). Due to un-resolvable conflicts, we have decided to postpone the planned in-person fall art fundraiser event (until spring 2023).

If you would like to use this space/ time to contribute funds for art at next year’s Flipside, we always accept donations. You might consider this our “online fall fundraiser request”.
We are a 501c3, we can provide a receipt for your donation, as desired.
We can accept funds through Venmo or Zelle

Keep that spark alive always,

Ignition Philter

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in leading or lieutenant-ing? Learn more at https://www.burningflipside.com/organization/operations, with an eye one on the following departments: Website Admin, Media Liaison, Towing, Education, Warehouse Manager, Survival Guide, Safety Lighting, Boundaries, Sanitation, Transpo, Earth Guardians, Roads, Land Search, and Ice LT. Nominate a friend or nominate yourself!  (YES, you can nominate YOURSELF!) and help make Flipside GO!

In love and flames,

Your Content Team